If a workout is graded as For Time, the goal is to perform the specified amount of work as soon as possible (AFAP).
The ranking "For Time" workouts is calculated as the cumulative amount of minutes and seconds (e.g. 08:15) on the clock when the last rep of the exercise is done.
Strength Push Press (10x2) Every min 2 Push press (10mins). Choose a weight you can maintain good form Metcon (Time) Teams of 3 (1:2) 5 rds each 20 Cal. Row 30 Yard Sled Push (4x45/3x45) *Partner 1 goes through a 1 rd then partner 2 follows. Continue through until all 3 partners complete 5 rds.
Strength Back Squat (10x3) Every min 3 Back Squats (10mins) *Choose a weight you can maintain good form* "Michelle" Tabata - Until completion: 100 Back Squats (95/65) Then, straight into: "Annie" 50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders Abmat Sit Ups
For Time: 2k Bike Erg 3 rds 15 Power Snatch (95/65) 45 Double Unders 1500m Bike Erg 2 rds 15 Power Snatch 45 Double Unders 1000m Bike 1 rd 15 Power Snatch 45 Double Unders