A simple power-lifting exercise, the Bench Press, is excellent for improving chest muscle. However, CrossFit appears to prefer overhead rather than bench pressing, most likely due to the transition of overhead work to Olympic Lifting, but perhaps also due to the risk for having weak balance and rigid shoulders to perform too much bench work. Given the high degree of versatility needed in CrossFit skills such as Olympic Lifting and gymnastics, this may be counter-productive. But just make sure you combine some Bench work with a lot of back chain work.
3 Snatch Grip Push Press x 5 sets
* Try to be somewhere between 80-90% 1 RM Snatch
6 Front Box Squat
5 Front Box Squat
4 Front Box Squat
3 Front Box Squat
2 Front Box Squat
* Build to a heavy double
** Should be at parallel
6 Bench Press
5 Bench Press
4 Bench Press
3 Bench Press
2 Bench Press
* Build to a heavy double
10 Barbell Front Rack Step Up x 3 Sets
*5 Each side.
**This is for quality, not for load! Light foot touch on the way down.
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Snatch Push Press 8 Snatch Push Press 6 Snatch Push Press 4 Snatch Push Press 2 Snatch Push Press *Building to a heavy set of 2.
Box Back Squat 8 Box Back Squat 6 Box Back Squat 4 Box Back Squat 3 Box Back Squat *Go to parallel. **Build to heavy set of 3.
Bench Press 8 Bench Press 6 Bench Press 4 Bench Press 4 Bench Press
Barbell Front Rack Step Up 10 Barbell Front Rack Step Up x 3 Sets *5 Each side. **This is for quality, not for load! Light foot touch on the way down.
Accessory Work 12 Ring rows (feet on box) 15 Med Ball GHD sit ups 10 Glute Ham Raises
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Deconditioned athletes should consider reducing the overall volume of this workout. Choose a bench press loading that allows you to complete a set of 10 unbroken reps when fresh.
Most athletes can complete this lifting day as prescribed. Newer athletes should start light, focus on mechanics, and slowly add weight as they are comfortable.