9 rounds for time with a partner of:
9 bar muscle-ups
11 clean and jerks, 155 lb.
50-yard buddy carry
Share the work with your partner however you choose with only one person working at a time. If you can't find a partner, perform 5 reps of each exercise per round and find a heavy sandbag to carry.
Three rounds for time of:
50 pound dumbbell Waiter walk, 100 meters, Right arm
30 GHD Sit-ups
50 pound dumbbell Waiter walk, 100 meters, Left arm
30 Back extensions
Bill Grundler 14:04, Kevin Montoya 16:46, Justin Judkins 21:21.
Post time to comments.
1,000 meter Burden Run (25 kg sandbag) 100 Push-Ups 100 Sit-Ups 100 Air Squats 100 Double-Unders 100 ft Rope Climbs (accumulate over multiple ascents) 1,000 meter Burden Run (25kg sandbag)