For Time
10 Power Cleans (185/115 lbs)
30 meters Load the Sled (45/25 lbs)
20 calories Ski
30 meters Sprint
30 Power Snatches (95/65 lbs)
30 meters Load the Sled (45/25 lbs)
40 Burpees
30 meters Push Loaded Sled (90/50 lbs) on High Bars
50 Kettlebell Swings (55/35 lbs)
30 meters Push Loaded Sled Back
60 Double-Unders
30 meters Sprint (to finish line)
Ski (Skiing on Ski Erg)
2 Rounds for Time
800 meter Row
600 meter SkiErg
40 Dumbbell Squats (35/20 lb)
Time Cap: 21/23 minutes
For Time
35/30 calorie SkiErg
30/25 Burpees to Bar
45/40 Single-Arm Dumbbell Overhead Squats (50/35 lb)
40/45 Pistols
25 Box Jump-Overs (42/36 in)
110 ft Tumbler Pull (400/300 lb)
Time Cap: 12 minutes
Rope Chipper
For Time
200 meter SkiErg
50/40 Double-Unders
200 meter Row
50/40 Double-Unders
0.4 mile Assault Air Bike
50/40 Double-Unders
200 meter Row
50/40 Double-Unders
200 meter SkiErg
90 foot Sled Pull (310/220 lb)
Time Cap: 11 minutes
Friday 191227
Friday 191227
Practice SLIPS for 20 minutes.
Back squat 5-5-5-5-5 reps
Tuesday 141104
21-15-9 reps for time of:
95-lb. thrusters
Pull-upsCompare to 140301.
Upload video to YouTube with your name and "CrossFit Fran Contest 141104" in title and then post link, time and your age to comments by 5 p.m. PT, Monday, Nov. 10. Prize of $500 will be awarded to:
Youngest and oldest person with a sub-3:00 Fran
Youngest and oldest person with a sub-5:00 Fran
Youngest and oldest person with a sub-10:00 Fran
Youngest and oldest person with a sub-15:00 FranMen use 95 lb., women use 65 lb.
Friday 030919
Friday 030919
**"Diane" **
21-15-9 reps of:
Deadlift 225
Handstand push-upsThis is 3 rounds; the first at 21 reps, the second at 15, and the third at 9 reps. Compare your time to August 5, 2003 when we did a "mini-Diane" at 15-12-9 reps. It's expected that you'll need to partition the sets, e.g., Deadlift 7-7-7 & Handstand push-up 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 as a first round. Interval management - work/rest timing to optimize time - is an essential skill.
If the load is too much under any partitioning scheme, reduce it. If you need help with the handstand push-up, take it in any manner you can get it. If the handstand push-up (HSPU) is clearly beyond your current capacity, substitute a standing dumbbell shoulder press (hip and leg free). Though a less functional press, the standing shoulder press is a closer simulation to the HSPU than the more functional push-press or jerk. The point is that there's a manageable substitution for this workout for everyone that preserves both its mechanical and metabolic characteristics - this will be "your Diane."
Thursday 010531
Thursday 010531
Run 400 meters
Three to Five rounds of:
5 Muscle-up, 5 reps
12 Glute-ham raiseSkip rope 5 minutes try not to stop
Monday 010226
Monday 010226
If nobody minds, we'll give the legs a little break today-
How many pull-ups can you do in an hour?
Success comes here by pacing and not going to failure on any set.
Rankings will be by weight class.Don't be foolish and fill in with any met-con (cardio) or other work.
You don't know what looms! Also, if you're current with the path
the other athletes have been following and your intensity has been
worthy of your best efforts you are long overdue for a reduced
metabolic load.Our "Workout of the Day" is engineered with great dilligence to care for
ALL of your fitness needs. If some days seem too easy that is because
workouts either before or coming are tortuous and the backing off is
warranted. We are feeding you a regimen that represents the ultimate
challenge for the world's best athletes.If you are concurrently training for sport, like most of our athletes, temper
your efforts to allow for successful sport training. This is a learned skill
requiring a finely honed sense of self. On the days when your sports
training regimen is lighter, tear it up with our strength and conditioning
workout. On days when your sports training regimen is tough, moderate
your efforts. Many of our athletes are able to engage the "Workout of the Day"
right up to and during competition by just "going through the motions" while
still "doing" the daily workout.Again, the "Workout of the Day" is designed to accomodate additional sport
training, recreational activity, or stand alone by simply modulating the intensity
of your effort. If you need help with this concept email at [email protected]
and one of our coaches will gladly help you come to terms with this.
Mayhem Daily Wod – 201126
For Time (with a Partner)
50 Devil Presses (2x50/35 lb)
50/40 calorie Ski
60 Dumbbell Step-Ups (2x50/35 lb, 24/20 in)
40/32 calorie Ski
70 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
30/24 calorie Ski