If a workout is graded as For Time, the goal is to perform the specified amount of work as soon as possible (AFAP).
The ranking "For Time" workouts is calculated as the cumulative amount of minutes and seconds (e.g. 08:15) on the clock when the last rep of the exercise is done.
5 rounds for time of:
Max calorie row in 60 seconds
50-lb. Turkish get-ups
Complete a total of 40 reps (or calories) in each round. For example, if you row 25 calories, complete 15 Turkish get-ups for that round. If you row 30 calories, complete 10 Turkish get-ups for that round.
8 minutes to complete:
1-mile run
315-lb. deadlifts, max reps
Then, 10 minutes to complete:
1-mile run
225-lb. power cleans, max reps
Then, 12 minutes to complete:
1-mile run
135-lb. overhead squats, max reps
Do not rest between rounds. Post run times and reps completed for each exercise to comments.
5x3 Position Clean
(Hang, Below Knee, Floor)
* Work up in weight
*Record heaviest set to score
*Try to receive in bottom of squat
*Do not drop bar between positions
Kettlebell Swings (1.5/1)
30 double unders
For Time 3 Rounds of: 12 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups 9 Burpees to Bar 6 Front Squats (185/125 lb) Rest 5 minutes Then, complete: 36 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups 27 Burpees to Bar 18 Front Squats (185/125 lb)