3 Rounds for Time
10 Deadlifts (225/155 lb)
21 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb)
20 calorie Row
14 Overhead Squats (135/95 lb)
19 Toes-to-Bars
Wod Type: For Time
Benchmark, Memorial, Hero WODS | Crossfit Wods At Home
Results for {phrase} ({results_count} of {results_count_total})
Displaying {results_count} results of {results_count_total}
3 Rounds for Time
10 Deadlifts (225/155 lb)
21 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb)
20 calorie Row
14 Overhead Squats (135/95 lb)
19 Toes-to-Bars
For Time
100 ft Dumbbell Farmer's Carry (55/35 lb)
10 Alternating Dumbbell Squat Snatches (55/35 lb)
10 Deficit Dumbbell Push-Ups
10 calorie Row
10 second L-Sit Hold (On Dumbbells)
10 Toes-to-Bars
Then, 160 Double-Unders
Then, 4 Rounds of:
38 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)
2 Rope Climbs
5 Deadlifts (275/185 lbs)
1915 meter Run
For Time
From 0:00-10:00, 21-15-9 reps of:
Deadlifts (225/155 lb)
Burpee Pull-Ups
From 10:00, 42-30-18 reps of:
Hang Clean-and-Jerks (95/65 lb)
GHD Sit-Ups
2 Rounds for Time
20/15 calorie Assault Bike
30 GHD Sit-Ups
20/15 calorie Assault Bike
30 Deadlifts (185/125 lb)
20/15 calorie Assault Bike
30 Toes-to-Bars
Rest 5 minutes
3 Rounds for Time
Every 5 minutes, perform:
10 Burpees Over Dumbbell
20 Single Dumbbell Deadlifts (50/35 lb, 10 each arm)
20 Single Dumbbell Hang Cleans (50/35 lb, 10 each arm)
20 Single Dumbbell Shoulder-to-Overheads (50/35 lb, 10 each arm)
10 Burpees Over Dumbbell
Rest in the remaining time
Clean-and-Jerk (1RM C&J)
12 mins
2 Rounds for Time
10 Deadlifts (315/225 lb)
20 Deficit Handstand Push-ups (4.5'' deficit/3" deficit)
30 Front Squats (95/65 lb)
Time Cap: 20 minutes
Deadlift (1RM Deadlift)
12 mins
For time:
100 alternating dumbbell snatches (50/35)
50 Cal. row
100 Bar-facing burpees
Time cap: 20 minutes
6 Rounds for Time
21/15 calorie Bike Erg
15 GHD Sit-Ups
9 Deadlifts (275/185 lb)
Accessory Work
400m Overhead Dumbbell Carry
* Choose a comfortable weight that both arms can support lockout *
30 secs Intervals
@0:00 complete 12 Deadlifts (135/95)
@0:30 complete 9 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
@1:00 complete 6 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)
- repeat for 10 rds -
Deadlift (1RM)
For Time:
800m Run
400m Sand Bag Carry (150/100)
800m Run