For Time
100 Burpees
Wod Type: For TimeNo Equipment (Home Wods)
Movements: Burpee
Benchmark, Memorial, Hero WODS | Crossfit Wods At Home
Results for {phrase} ({results_count} of {results_count_total})
Displaying {results_count} results of {results_count_total}
AMRAP (with a Partner) in 22 minutes
Partner A, perform AMRAP of:
20 Sit-Ups
20 Burpees
...while Partner B performs:
400 meter Run
Partners switch after each Run
Wear a Weight Vest (20/14 lb) throughout
For Time
Buy-In: 28 Chest Push-Ups
Then, 3 Rounds of:
33 Cross Mountain Climbers (L+R=1)
19 Jump Burpees (no Push-Up)
33 Jumping Jacks
19 Jump Burpees (no Push-Up)
33 Bicycle Crunches (L+R=1)
Buy-Out: 28 Tricep Push-Ups
AMRAP in 10 minutes
10 Mountain Climbers
10 Push-Ups
10 Hollow Rocks
10 Sit-Ups
For Max Reps
To the tune of the song "Flower" perform the following movements for every mention of:
Bring Sally Up: Hold top of the Push-Up
Bring Sally Down: Hold the bottom of the Push-Up (keep chest 1 in off the ground)
5 Rounds
10 Arch Rocks
10 Arch Ups
10 second Arch Hold
1 minute Rest
40-30-20-10 Reps for Time
Unbroken Burpees
Unbroken Air Squats
4 Rounds for Time
800 meter Sprint
25 Hand Release Push-Ups
25 Air Squats
6 Rounds For Time
24 Air Squats
24 Push-Ups
24 Walking Lunges
400 meter Run
Cash-In: 1,000 meter Run
Directly into AMRAP in 22 minutes of:
23 Air Squats
7 Burpees
14 Push-Ups
Cash-Out: 1,000 meter Run