These are workouts that can be executed without any equipment, in any place you feel comfortable. Here you can find a big collection of many workouts that you can perform at home and keep you fit.
Reduce the reps on squats so that each set can be completed in a few sets, and similarly, reduce or modify the v-up to allow you to keep moving through with minimal rest. Intermediate athletes can do this workout as prescribed.
Mayhem Gymnastics:
3 sets @25%
--rest 30 seconds between sets-
---rest 90 seconds--
2 sets @30%
--rest 30 seconds between sets-
---rest 90 seconds--
1 sets @35%
---rest 2 minutes ---
Accumulate 50% of kipping Handstand Push Up from your one minute max test on week1
[The % is based off of week one number only, NOT the combination of strict and kipping].
For example:
1 minute max was 20 reps
take 3 sets @25% of 20 reps
then do same for the 2 & 1
*round up
*Scale Handstand Push Up to Box
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Most athletes can complete this as prescribed. Deconditioned athletes may need to jog or walk but still should be able to complete the distance.
Mayhem Gymnastics:
3 sets @25%
--rest 30 seconds between sets-
---rest 90 seconds--
2 sets @30%
--rest 30 seconds between sets-
---rest 90 seconds--
1 sets @35%
---rest 2 minutes ---
Accumulate 50% of kipping Handstand Push Up from your one minute max test on week1
[The % is based off of week one number only, NOT the combination of strict and kipping].
For example:
1 minute max was 20 reps
take 3 sets @25% of 20 reps
then do same for the 2 & 1
*round up
*Scale Handstand Push Up to Box
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For time:
3-minute handstand hold
100 squats
50-meter handstand walk
100 squats
30 handstand push-ups
Perform handstand hold against a wall (with only the feet touching) and accumulate a total of 3 minutes before moving on to the squats.
Post time to comments.
Compare to 181013.
If you are not highly proficient with handstands, modify each movement to a point that is manageable but challenging. Read How Long Can You Handstand It? for handstand tips and drills.
Intermediate Option:
For time:
2-minute handstand hold
100 squats
25-meter handstand walk
100 squats
20 handstand push-ups
Perform the handstand hold against a wall (with only the feet touching) and accumulate a total of 2 minutes before moving on to the squats.
Beginner Option:
For time:
2-minute inverted hold
50 squats
25-meter bear crawl
50 squats
30 knee push-ups
Perform the inverted hold with the hands on the ground and the feet or knees on a box and accumulate a total of 2 minutes before moving on to the squats.
¾ bodyweight hang power snatches
Handstand push-ups
Rest as needed between rounds.
Post reps of each to comments.
Compare to 210126.
For each movement, pick modifications that allow you to complete at least 10 reps. Reduce the weight on the snatches so that it is still heavy for you but light enough that you can cycle the reps. Newer athletes should treat today as an opportunity to practice two difficult movements.
Intermediate Option:
5 rounds for max reps of:
2/3 bodyweight hang power snatches
Handstand push-ups
Rest as needed between rounds.
Beginner Option:
5 rounds, not for time of:
10 hang power snatches
10 push-ups
4 Sets
8 Min at Easy Pace w/1 Min Rest between sets
Workout Details: Perform this workout on an out and back flat course or non-motorized treadmill. Record your distance in your first interval. Return back to starting point on next interval. Focus on matching the same (8min) amount of time to run same distance. Only look at watch after you cross your finishing line. Goal is to match your first rep distance in reps
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