5 rounds for time of:
400 meter run
95 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps
Benchmark, Memorial, Hero WODS | Crossfit Wods At Home
Results for {phrase} ({results_count} of {results_count_total})
Displaying {results_count} results of {results_count_total}
5 rounds for time of:
400 meter run
95 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps
Thursday 090716
Hang power clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
Friday 090717
30 Muscle-ups for time
Sunday 090712
Five rounds for time of:
30 Glute-ham sit-ups
25 Back extensions
Monday 090713
Thruster 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
Wednesday 090708
Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:
2 Muscle-ups
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 2-Pood Kettlebell swings
Thursday 090709
Four rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
50 Squats
Saturday 090711
Ten rounds for time of:
3 Weighted Pull-ups, 45 pounds
5 Strict Pull-ups
7 Kipping Pull-upFor weighted pull-ups place a 45 pound dumbbell between the legs above crossed ankles and jettison the dumbbell after third rep and continue with strict pull-ups and then the kipping pull-ups. Coming off the bar or going to ground constitutes termination of a set.
Complete three rounds for time of:
95 pound Squat clean, 30 reps
30 Pull-ups
Run 800 meters
Sunday 090705
Shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Push press 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5 reps