AMRAP in 25 minutes
150 Double-Unders
50 Push-Ups
15 Power Cleans (185/125 lb)
Wod Type: For Rounds/Reps (AMRAP)Hero Wods
Benchmark, Memorial, Hero WODS | Crossfit Wods At Home
Results for {phrase} ({results_count} of {results_count_total})
Displaying {results_count} results of {results_count_total}
AMRAP in 25 minutes
150 Double-Unders
50 Push-Ups
15 Power Cleans (185/125 lb)
Perform as Many Repetitions as Possible For Points in 20 minutes
Overhead Squat (60/40 kg) (10 points)
Thruster (60/40 kg) (5 points)
Squat Clean (60/40 kg) (3 points)
Deadlift (60/40 kg) (1 point)
12 Rounds for Time
200 meter Run
7 Pull-Ups
8 Dumbbell Cleans (2x50/35 lb)
4 Handstand Push-Ups
For Time
1 mile Run
26 Power Cleans (185/135 lb)
80 Push-Ups
1 minute Rest
600 meter Run
28 Front Squats (185/135 lb)
50 Pull-Ups
For Time
1 mile Run
6 Tire Flips
17 Pull-Ups
1 mile Run
7 Kettlebell Snatches (53/35 lb)
15 Deadlifts (225/155 lb)
10 Sandbag Ground to Over-the Shoulders
EMOM in 14 minutes
Odd Minutes:
15 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
Even Minutes:
10 Deadlifts (275/205 lb)
For Time
15-12-9-6-3 reps of:
Deadlifts (185/135 lb)
Handstand Push-Ups
Vertical Jumps
6 Rounds for Time
200 meter Run
16 Deadlifts (135/95 lb)
50 meter Farmer's Carry (2x53/44 lb)
6 Shoulder-to-Overheads (135/95 lb)
1 Rope Climb
33 Sit-Ups
26 Double-Unders
5 Rounds For Time
1000 meter Row
200 meter Farmer Carry (45 lb dumbbells)
50 meter Waiter Walk, Right Arm (45 lb dumbbell)
50 meter Waiter Walk, Left Arm (45 lb dumbbell)