If performed right, this is a technically professional movement to the extent of being a wonderful blend of art and science. It is worth spending time perfecting the different components of this movement before focusing on the complete movement of the Clean.
Each of these exercises is one set at five reps. Take any rest needed between exercises.
Upright row
Back Squat
Power Clean (from ground)
Dumbbell "Thruster" (front squat/push-press)
Clean and Jerk
Add your total lifted for all nine exercises and divide by your body weight.
Highest ratio leads ranking.
Warm-up with easy mile run and stretch
Clean and Jerk 15 RM load 15 reps
One set of sit-ups and one set of back extensions both at 21 reps
Clean and Jerk 15 RM load 12 reps
One set of sit-ups and one set of back extensions both at 18 reps
Clean and Jerk 15 RM load 9 reps
One set of sit-ups and one set of back extensions both at 15 reps
Today we start and end with our calisthenic warm-up and cool down and throw a
little rowing and power cleans in the middle. There's no break between the rowing
and the power cleans. The warm-up and cool down are max or near max rep sets
with lots of rest between efforts. This is a tough one.
Ab bench
Back extensios
Air Squat
Row 500 meters
Power Clean 21 reps
Rest 5 minutes
Row 500 meters
Power Clean 15 reps
Rest 5 minutes
Row 500 meters
Power Clean 9 reps
Rest 5 minutes
Ab bench
Back extension
Air Squat
Start with a calisthenic, whole body, single set per exercise mini-routine.
We will explore dozens of these "mini workout warm-ups". They all contain
elements of hip/trunk flexion & extension, pushing and pulling.
Stretch (hips, legs, back, chest, and shoulders)
Back extensions
Rope climb or pull-ups
Dips or push-ups
Clean and Jerk 15,12, and 9 reps (If you need help with this movement contact us.
We offer regular free seminars in the Olympic lifts)
Finish with the same effort coming in.
Back extensions
Rope Climb or pull-ups
Dips or Push-ups
No metabolic conditioning today. That suggests something about tomorrow to those
of you who are paying attention.
We are due for a little circuit work. Circuit training is an excellent test
of your overall fitness. At CrossFit intensities it becomes debilitating.
We use it sparingly and go all out! This is "combat" or "getting out of
the burning building" fitness.
Decide loads and assistance (if absolutely necessary to get ALL reps)
before starting. Be smart, shelve your ego and shoot for rapid completion
with NO rest. Submit record of total time, weights for each lift, and
assistance (if needed on pull-ups and dips). Set up recording sheet
ahead of time. Rip!!
Bike for 3 miles
Twenty ball-squats (20 lb. Med ball)
Twenty push-ups
Twenty pull-ups
Row 500 meters
Box step up (20") with dumbbells, 25 right , 25 left
Bench-press 15 reps
Rope climb