If performed right, this is a technically professional movement to the extent of being a wonderful blend of art and science. It is worth spending time perfecting the different components of this movement before focusing on the complete movement of the Clean.
5 sets
New set every minute
5 Back Squats @ 60% +20lb (total)
Every 90 secs x 5 sets
1 Heavy Pause Back Squat
* Build across sets - record heaviest set to score*
Every 5 mins (3 sets)
10 Power Cleans (155/105)
10 Power Cleans (155/105)
15 GHD sit-ups
15 back extensions
10 thrusters
10 clean and jerks
♀ 95 lb. ♂ 135 lb.
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Modify the movements and reduce the load so you can complete each set unbroken, at least in the early rounds. Newer athletes should reduce the total volume and avoid the GHD.
Intermediate Option:
7 rounds for time of:
10 GHD sit-ups
10 back extensions
10 thrusters
10 clean and jerks
♀ 75 lb. ♂ 115 lb.
Beginner Option:
5 rounds for time of:
10 sit-ups
10 unweighted good mornings
7 thrusters
7 clean and push presses
Workout 11.3
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:
Squat clean
♀ 110 lb. ♂ 165 lb.
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Compare to 110406.
See below for examples of what to expect in this year’s CrossFit Open for the scaled, equipment-free, and foundations versions of the workouts. Learn more at Games.CrossFit.com.
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:
Squat clean
♀ 65 lb. ♂ 95 lb.
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:
Power clean
Front squat
♀ 15 lb. ♂ 22 lb.
Equipment Free:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:
6 single-leg squats, alternating
3 handstand push-ups
Run 1,000 meters
5 rounds of:
15 push-ups
20 med-ball cleans
21 burpees
Run 1,000 meters
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This is a long workout. New athletes should reduce the volume. Intermediate athletes can perform this workout as prescribed with time restrictions for each segment.
Intermediate Option:
For time:
Run 1,000 meters (or 5 minutes)
Then, with a 20-minute time cap, work through
5 rounds of:
15 push-ups
20 med-ball cleans
21 burpees
Run the same distance
Beginner Option:
For time:
Jog 800 meters (or 5 minutes)
3 rounds of:
10 assisted push-ups
15 med-ball cleans
15 burpees
Jog the same distance
5 muscle-ups
9 hang power cleans
7 push jerks
50 double-unders
♀ 105 lb. ♂ 155 lb.
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This workout mixes high-skill gymnastics with a significant volume of Olympic lifting. Choose modifications and loads that allow you to keep moving at high intensity.
Intermediate Option:
3 rounds for time of:
3 muscle-ups
9 hang power cleans
7 push jerks
50 double-unders
♀ 95 lb. ♂ 135 lb.
Beginner Option:
3 rounds for time of:
5 ring rows + 5 jumping dips
9 hang power cleans
7 push presses
50 single-unders
With a partner, complete as many rounds as possible in 21 minutes of:
30-cal. row
20 burpees over the rower
10 power cleans
♀ 105 lb. ♂ 155 lb.
CrossFit VICE has set up a fundraiser to create a scholarship for Laura’s two sons.
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This workout should be performed with a partner. If you’re unable to share the work with a friend or family member, cut the reps in half and rest for about the same amount of time you spend working. Newer athletes can stick to regular burpees and reduce the load on the cleans. Intermediate athletes can perform this workout as prescribed.
Beginner Option:
With a partner, complete as many rounds as possible in 21 minutes of:
30-cal. row
20 burpees
10 power cleans