Marsha P. Johnson Three AMRAPs in 25 minutes 20 secondsFrom 0:00-4:50, AMRAP of:6 Single-Arm Dumbbell Squat Cleans (50/35 lb, 3 per arm)28 Doube-Unders6 Single-Arm Dumbbell Push Presses (50/35 lb, 3 per arm)9 BurpeesRest 2 minutes 10 secondsFrom 7:00-14:00, AMRAP of:6 Single-Arm Alternating Devil Presses (50/35 lb)280 meter Run6 Single-Arm Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans (50/35 lb, 3 per arm)9 Goblet Reverse Lunges (50/35 lb)Rest 2 minutesFinally from 16:00-25:20, AMRAP of:60 meter Shuttle Sprint2 Single-Arm Devil Cleans (50/35 lb)8 Overhead Stationary Reverse Lunges (50/35 lb)6 Push-Ups9 Air Squats Wod Type: For Rounds/Reps (AMRAP)Memorial WodsMovements: Air SquatBurpeeCleanDevil PressDouble-UnderLungePush PressPush-UpRun/RunningAir Squat WodsBurpee WodsClean WodsDevil Press WodsDouble-Under WodsLunge WodsPush Press WodsPush-Up WodsRun/Running WodsCompetitions:
LGBT Pride With a Running Clock in 26 minutesFrom 0:00-5:00, perform:50 Burpee Star JumpsThen from 5:01-10:00, AMRAP of:3 Dumbbell Thrusters (50/35 lb)2 Overhead Lunges (50/35 lb)1 Prison BurpeeThen from 10:01-18:00, perform:21-15-9 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35 lb)Dumbbell Deadlifts (50/35 lb)15-12-9 Dumbbell Hang Snatches (50/35 lb)Sit-Ups12-9-6 Dumbbell Shoulder-to-Overheads (50/35 lb)Hands to Toes V-UpsFinally from 18:01-26:00, perform:10 Dumbbell Ground-to-Overheads (50/35 lb)20 Jumping Squats30 Jumping Jacks40 Russian Twists30 Jumping Jacks20 Jumping Squats10 Dumbbell Ground-to-Overheads (50/35 lb) Wod Type: For Rounds/Reps (AMRAP)Movements: Air SquatBurpeeDeadliftGround-to-OverheadJumping JackLungeRussian TwistShoulder-to-OverheadSit-UpThrusterV-UpAir Squat WodsBurpee WodsDeadlift WodsGround-to-Overhead WodsJumping Jack WodsLunge WodsRussian Twist WodsShoulder-to-Overhead WodsSit-Up WodsThruster WodsV-Up WodsCompetitions:
tttAHTD4 5 Rounds for Time50 Air Squats1,000 foot Shuttle Run Wod Type: For TimeNo Equipment (Home Wods)Movements: Air SquatRun/RunningAir Squat WodsRun/Running WodsCompetitions:
SAS For Time300 Air Squats150 American Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg) Wod Type: For TimeMovements: Air SquatKettlebell SwingAir Squat WodsKettlebell Swing WodsCompetitions:
Nasty Girls 3 Rounds For Time50 Air Squats7 Muscle-Ups10 Hang Power Cleans (135/95 lb) Wod Type: Benchmark WodsFor TimeThe GirlsMovements: Air SquatCleanMuscle-UpAir Squat WodsClean WodsMuscle-Up WodsCompetitions:
The 555 Standard 5 Rounds for Time15 Air Squats15 Burpees15 Hand Release Push-Ups Wod Type: Benchmark WodsFor TimeNo Equipment (Home Wods)Movements: Air SquatBurpeePush-UpAir Squat WodsBurpee WodsPush-Up WodsCompetitions:
Koloff AMRAP in 10 minutes4 Russian Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)2 Burpees4 Cossack Squats8 Russian Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)4 Burpees8 Cossack SquatsContinue with this pattern, adding 4 Russian Kettlebell Swings, 2 Burpees, and 4 Cossack Squats each round. Wod Type: For Rounds/Reps (AMRAP)Movements: Air SquatBurpeeKettlebell SwingAir Squat WodsBurpee WodsKettlebell Swing WodsCompetitions:
tttAHTD2 AMRAP in 21 minutesFrom 0:00-3:00, perform:400 meter RunMax Push-UpsRest 1 minuteFrom 4:00-8:00, perform:400 meter RunMax Air SquatsRest 1 minuteFrom 9:00-14:00, perform:400 meter RunMax BurpeesRest 1 minuteFrom 15:00, perform:400 meter RunIn the remaining time, AMRAP of:8 Push-Ups16 Air Squats Wod Type: For Rounds/Reps (AMRAP)No Equipment (Home Wods)Movements: Air SquatBurpeePush-UpRun/RunningAir Squat WodsBurpee WodsPush-Up WodsRun/Running WodsCompetitions:
Marconi For Time (with a Partner)2,382 meter RowThen, 20 Rounds of:11 Toes-to-Bars20 Air Squats16 Kettlebell Swings (1.5/1 pood) Wod Type: For TimeHero WodsMovements: Air SquatKettlebell SwingRow (Rowing)Toes-to-Bar/Knees-to-ElbowsAir Squat WodsKettlebell Swing WodsRow (Rowing) WodsToes-to-Bar/Knees-to-Elbows WodsCompetitions:
Whisky For Time50 Pull-Ups50 Hand Release Push-Ups50 Box Jumps (24/20 in)50 Air Squats Wod Type: For TimeMovements: Air SquatBox JumpPull-UpPush-UpAir Squat WodsBox Jump WodsPull-Up WodsPush-Up WodsCompetitions: