Monday 010604
250 meter Row
21 Powerclean; 1/3, 1/2, or 1/1 body weight
250 meter Row
5 Muscle-up
250 meter Row
Pull-ups, max set
250 meter Row
Benchmark, Memorial, Hero WODS | Crossfit Wods At Home
Results for {phrase} ({results_count} of {results_count_total})
Displaying {results_count} results of {results_count_total}
Monday 010604
250 meter Row
21 Powerclean; 1/3, 1/2, or 1/1 body weight
250 meter Row
5 Muscle-up
250 meter Row
Pull-ups, max set
250 meter Row
Thursday 010531
Run 400 meters
Three to Five rounds of:
5 Muscle-up, 5 reps
12 Glute-ham raiseSkip rope 5 minutes try not to stop
Tuesday 010522
Bike two minutes all out, three times with five minute break between efforts.
Record and submit distance for each effort.
How many rotations can you do within 15 minutes? One point each station.
Back extension 15 reps with 25 lb. plate
Deadlift/High-pull X 10 reps 50% body weightIf you can't do a muscle-up, do 15 pull-ups and 15 dips instead.
Friday 010518
Bench press 10-8-6-4-2 reps.
Total weight for all five sets and submit with body weight.
Rest as needed before,How many passes of this circuit can you make in 20 minutes?
Count each element (Box jump, Muscle-up, Leg raise) as a single point,
so that, for instance, four complete circuits and once more 20 box jumps
and one more muscle-up would be 14 points. If you still can't do the
muscle-up substitute twenty assisted pull-up and dips.Box Jump 20" X 20 jumps
Hanging leg raise, toes to bar X10
Tuesday 010508
Time five muscle-ups and 50 box jumps on 20" plyo box.
Stretch/rest 20 minutes.
Time five muscle-ups and 50 box jumps on 20" plyo box.
We're interested in both times and decay rate from first to second effort.
If you can't do muscle-ups, substitute fifteen pull-ups and twenty dips for each muscle-up.
If you can't do pull-ups and dips use assistance device (Cybex, Gravitron, etc.)
If you mix muscle-ups and pull-ups/dips report numbers of each with time.
Tuesday 010410
Let's give the hips and legs a little break today! We've got three options today depending on your fitness ability. Pick one.
Warm-up, including sit-ups and back extensions.
Do 100 pull-ups and 100 dips on the Gravitron or other assisted pull-up/dip device.
Do 50 pull-ups and 50 dips without assistance.
Do 15 muscle-ups on the rings.
Finish with sit-ups and back extensions.Regardless of which option you choose submit the number of sets and time it took
to complete the assignment. In the case of assisted pull-ups/dips also submit the
amount of assistance.
Sunday 010408
Let's put some energy in to the five CrossFit Challenges (No's 1-5)
Vertical-leap 1/2 your body height. Muscle-up 10 times in a row without touching ground or coming off of the rings. Run 1 mile then complete a single set of bench press at body weight 21 reps, all within 10 minutes. Beat Garth Taylor's 1:25.5 500-meter Row. 21 reps of dumbbell "thrusters" at 1/2 your body weight.Don't let the enormity of the challenge deter your trying! Make a serious attempt at each
challenge and record the result. Save for late comparison. If you cannot do a muscle-up,
try anyway; the struggle is more important than the accomplishment.Daniel Kawika Bennett has achieved number 2, number 4 is Garth Taylor's,
and number 5 belongs to Cameron Earle. No one has completed two challenges
Monday 010326
Ab-bench (or other sit-up that ranges from trunk extension through to flexion) 30 reps at max weight
Back extension 25 reps
Air Squat 50 repsFor the next phase we are doing pull-ups and dips or muscle-ups if you've got one!
Six sets of pull-ups (max effort, record the total, take as much time as needed between sets)
Six sets of dips (max effort, record the total, take as much time as needed between sets.
OR, if you have a muscle-up,
Ten muscle-ups (max effort, take as much time as needed, record the time to complete all ten)One rope climb with no legs or five with legs.
Twenty handstand push-ups by any means. Have spotter pull you up by ankles if needed.Practice lowering from handstand to planche (body parallel to floor, arms locked) Have spotter
support your ankles and lower you to parallel. Hold at parallel, with spotter minimally helping,
for five full seconds.Repeat for ten attempts. Do on padded mat, crash pad, or other padded surface!!
Ab-bench (or other sit-up that ranges from trunk extension through to flexion) 30 reps at max weight
Back extension 25 reps
Air Squat 50 repsThis is a really tough day. Don't hold back. Tomorrow is met-con only, so you will be able to rest
your arms, back, and shoulders. You are getting a small taste of the demands of a gymnast's workout.
Mayhem Daily Wod - 201224
1 Legless Rope Climbs 2 Squat Clean (155/105) 3 Muscle Ups 4 Burpees 5 Deadlifts (155/105) 6 Chest to bar Pull Ups 7 Toes to bar 8 Wall Balls (30/20) 9 Box Get Overs (48”/40”) 10 Back Rack Lunges (155/105) 11 Strict Handstand Push Ups 12 Thrusters (155/105)
AMRAP in 10 minutes
7 Hang Clean-and-Jerks (115/80 lb)
3 Bar Muscle-Ups