Mayhem Daily Wod – 200820 For Time50 foot Single-Arm Overhead Lunges (50/35 lb)40 Pull-Ups50 foot Single-Arm Overhead Lunges (50/35 lb)35 GHD Sit-Ups50 foot Single-Arm Overhead Lunges (50/35 lb)30 Pull-Ups50 foot Single-Arm Overhead Lunges (50/35 lb)25 GHD Sit-Ups50 foot Single-Arm Overhead Lunges (50/35 lb)20 Lateral Burpees over Dumbbell Wod Type: For TimeMayhem Daily WodsMovements: BurpeeGHD Sit-UpLungePull-UpBurpee WodsGHD Sit-Up WodsLunge WodsPull-Up WodsCompetitions: Source:
Mayhem Daily Wod – 200814 5 Rounds for Time6 Power Snatches (135/95 lb)10 Burpees Over Bar6 Clean-and-Jerks (135/95 lb)Time Cap: 15 minutes Wod Type: For TimeMayhem Daily WodsMovements: BurpeeCleanJerkSnatchBurpee WodsClean WodsJerk WodsSnatch WodsCompetitions: Source:
CrossFit Aisling 1 AMRAP in 25 minutes5 Burpees to Target (12/6 in)10 calorie Bike15 calorie Row20 Double-Unders Wod Type: For Rounds/Reps (AMRAP)Movements: Air Biking/Assault BikingBurpeeDouble-UnderRow (Rowing)Air Biking/Assault Biking WodsBurpee WodsDouble-Under WodsRow (Rowing) WodsCompetitions:
Assault Flatline For Time60 calorie Standing Assault Air Bike (remove seat)50 Squat Cleans (135/95 lb)40 GHD Sit-Ups30 Handstand Push-Ups20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups10 Bar Over Burpees Wod Type: Benchmark WodsFor TimeMovements: Air Biking/Assault BikingBurpeeCleanGHD Sit-UpHandstand Push-UpPull-UpAir Biking/Assault Biking WodsBurpee WodsClean WodsGHD Sit-Up WodsHandstand Push-Up WodsPull-Up WodsCompetitions:
The Chief – Endurance Version For Time5 Rounds of:25 calorie Assualt BikeRest 1 minute*Then, five 3-minute AMRAPs of:3 Power Cleans (135/95 lb)6 Push-Ups9 Air SquatsRest 1 minute after each AMRAPThen, perform:1 mile Run (20/14 lb)Finally, AMRAP in 5 minutes of:Sandbag Get-Ups (60/40 lb)5 Burpees**Perform 5 burpees for each get-up under 40 reps. Wod Type: For TimeMovements: Air Biking/Assault BikingAir SquatBurpeeCleanGround-to-OverheadPush-UpWeighted Walk/RunAir Biking/Assault Biking WodsAir Squat WodsBurpee WodsClean WodsGround-to-Overhead WodsPush-Up WodsWeighted Walk/Run WodsCompetitions:
Eric Garner 11 Rounds for Time9 Burpees15 Air Squats Wod Type: For TimeMemorial WodsNo Equipment (Home Wods)Movements: Air SquatBurpeeAir Squat WodsBurpee WodsCompetitions:
Home Triple 3 EMOM in 20 minutes5 Knees-to-Chests5 Burpees5 Jumping Squats Wod Type: For Rounds/Reps (AMRAP)Movements: Air SquatBurpeeToes-to-Bar/Knees-to-ElbowsAir Squat WodsBurpee WodsToes-to-Bar/Knees-to-Elbows WodsCompetitions:
Drago For Time100 American Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)200 Russian Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)*Every time you drop the kettlebell, perform:5 Burpees10 Push-Ups15 Air Squats Wod Type: For TimeMovements: Air SquatBurpeeKettlebell SwingPush-UpAir Squat WodsBurpee WodsKettlebell Swing WodsPush-Up WodsCompetitions:
Luca For Time100 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb)25 Burpees100 Lunges 25 Burpees100 Hand Release Push-Ups25 Burpees 100 Air Squats25 Burpees Wod Type: For TimeMovements: Air SquatBurpeeLungePush-UpWall Ball ShotAir Squat WodsBurpee WodsLunge WodsPush-Up WodsWall Ball Shot WodsCompetitions:
Deck of Fitness AMRAP in 20 minutesPull a random card and perform the number of reps of the corresponding movement for that card.Hearts = Push-UpsSpades = Jump LungesDiamonds = Sit-UpsClubs = Air SquatsJokers = 15 BurpeesWhere:Aces = 1 repJack = 11Queen = 12King = 13 reps Wod Type: For Rounds/Reps (AMRAP)No Equipment (Home Wods)Movements: Air SquatBurpeeLungePush-UpSit-UpAir Squat WodsBurpee WodsLunge WodsPush-Up WodsSit-Up WodsCompetitions: