59 Pull-Ups 23 Push-Ups 400 meter Run 59 Ground-to-Overheads (20/10 kg) 23 Toes-to-Bars 400 meter Run 59 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs) 23 Burpees 200 meter Run 200 Double Unders 200 meter Run 23 Burpees 59 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs) 400 meter Run 23 Toes-to-Bars 59 Ground-to-Overheads (20/10 kg) 400 meter Run 23 Push-Ups 59 Pull-Ups
Do the Pull-Ups. Then do the Double-Unders and Pull-Ups. Then do the Burpees, Double-Unders, and Pull-Ups. Continue this way until the final found of Air Squats, Sit-Ups, Burpees, Double-Unders, and Pull-Ups.