Mayhem Daily Wod – 200325 AMRAP in 29 minutesEvery 5 minutes, perform AMRAP of:20 Weighted Chair Step-Ups (45/35 lb)30 V-Ups20 Bent Over Rows (45/35 lb plate)1 minute Rest Wod Type: For Rounds/Reps (AMRAP)Mayhem Daily WodsMovements: Bent Over RowBox Step-UpBent Over Row WodsBox Step-Up WodsCompetitions: Source:
Mayhem Daily Wod – 190718 Metcon 4 Rounds for Time25 Dumbbell Push Press (50/35)100ft DB Lunge Walk (50/35)StrengthDumbbell Bench (5x10) -Single Arm , Alternate arms each rep.Bent Over Row (5x10)-Single Arm , Alternate arms each rep Wod Type: For LoadFor TimeMayhem Daily WodsMovements: Bench PressBent Over RowLungePush PressBench Press WodsBent Over Row WodsLunge WodsPush Press WodsCompetitions: Source:
Mayhem Daily Wod – 190711 Metcon 20 min Amrap (with a Partner)Partner 1 :400m RunPartner 2:Amrap6 Power Snatch (135/95)12 OVHS (135/95)18 T2BSwitch when partner returns from the run (cont. where partner left off). Scored by total rds completed of PS ,OVHS, T2B.Strength5x10Dumbbell Bench Single Arm Bent Over Row , Single Arm Dumbbell Wod Type: For LoadFor Rounds/Reps (AMRAP)Mayhem Daily WodsMovements: Bench PressBent Over RowOverhead SquatRun/RunningSnatchToes-to-Bar/Knees-to-ElbowsBench Press WodsBent Over Row WodsOverhead Squat WodsRun/Running WodsSnatch WodsToes-to-Bar/Knees-to-Elbows WodsCompetitions: Source:
Mayhem Daily Wod – 190704 Metcon 17 min Amrap200m Run10 Wall Balls (20/14)* Add 5 reps of wall balls every roundStrengthDumbbell Bench (5x10)5 sets of 10 repsSingle Arm, Alternate arms each rep.Bent Over Row (5 sets of 10 reps)Single Arm Dumbbell Wod Type: For LoadFor Rounds/Reps (AMRAP)Mayhem Daily WodsMovements: Bench PressBent Over RowRun/RunningWall Ball ShotBench Press WodsBent Over Row WodsRun/Running WodsWall Ball Shot WodsCompetitions: Source:
Mayhem Daily Wod – 190627 Metcon Teams of 25 Rounds Each (1:1)18/15 Cal. Ski15 OVHS (95/65)12 Chest to BarStrengthDumbbell Bench 5 sets of 10 reps *Single Arm, Alternate arms each rep.Bent Over Row 5 sets of 10 reps*Single Arm , Alternate arms each rep. Wod Type: For LoadFor TimeMayhem Daily WodsMovements: Bench PressBent Over RowOverhead SquatPull-UpSki (Skiing on Ski Erg)Bench Press WodsBent Over Row WodsOverhead Squat WodsPull-Up WodsSki (Skiing on Ski Erg) WodsCompetitions: Source:
Mayhem Daily Wod – 190620 Metcon 5 Rounds for Time20 Sand Ball Slams (50/30)120 yard Shuttle Sprint* *Shuttle Sprint:40 yards out/40 yards back20 yards out/20 yards back= 120 yardsStrengthDumbbell Bench (5x10)5 sets of 10 repsSingle Arm , Alternate arms each rep.Bent Over Row , Single Arm Dumbbell Wod Type: For LoadFor TimeMayhem Daily WodsMovements: Ball SlamBench PressBent Over RowRun/RunningBall Slam WodsBench Press WodsBent Over Row WodsRun/Running WodsCompetitions: Source:
Mayhem Daily Wod – 190613 MetconFor Time:21 Power Snatch (95/65)1500m Bike Erg42 OVHS (95/65)1500m Bike Erg63 Deadlifts (95/65)1500m Bike ErgStrengthAlternating Single Arm Dumbbell Bench Alternating Single Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row Wod Type: For LoadFor TimeMayhem Daily WodsMovements: Air Biking/Assault BikingBench PressBent Over RowDeadliftOverhead SquatSnatchAir Biking/Assault Biking WodsBench Press WodsBent Over Row WodsDeadlift WodsOverhead Squat WodsSnatch WodsCompetitions: Source:
Mayhem Daily Wod – 190606 Metcon For Time (with a Partner)100 Cal. Row75 Syncro Wall Balls (20/14)50 SHSPU25 Sand Bag Cleans (150/100)StrengthDumbbell Bench (5x10)5 sets of 10 repsSingle Arm , Alternate arms each rep.Bent Over Row (5 sets of 10 reps)Single Arm Dumbbell Wod Type: For LoadFor TimeMayhem Daily WodsMovements: Bench PressBent Over RowCleanHandstand Push-UpRow (Rowing)Wall Ball ShotBench Press WodsBent Over Row WodsClean WodsHandstand Push-Up WodsRow (Rowing) WodsWall Ball Shot WodsCompetitions: Source: