If this seem to far you are right.
You are also the victim of our little April Fool's Day Joke.
Actually, today is a rest day. Stretch, play, and relax.
Make it active rest though. Do something active and fun
Warm-up with easy mile run and stretch
Clean and Jerk 15 RM load 15 reps
One set of sit-ups and one set of back extensions both at 21 reps
Clean and Jerk 15 RM load 12 reps
One set of sit-ups and one set of back extensions both at 18 reps
Clean and Jerk 15 RM load 9 reps
One set of sit-ups and one set of back extensions both at 15 reps
Ab-bench (or other sit-up that ranges from trunk extension through to flexion) 30 reps at max weight
Back extension 25 reps
Air Squat 50 reps
For the next phase we are doing pull-ups and dips or muscle-ups if you've got one!
Six sets of pull-ups (max effort, record the total, take as much time as needed between sets)
Six sets of dips (max effort, record the total, take as much time as needed between sets.
OR, if you have a muscle-up,
Ten muscle-ups (max effort, take as much time as needed, record the time to complete all ten)
One rope climb with no legs or five with legs.
Twenty handstand push-ups by any means. Have spotter pull you up by ankles if needed.
Practice lowering from handstand to planche (body parallel to floor, arms locked) Have spotter
support your ankles and lower you to parallel. Hold at parallel, with spotter minimally helping,
for five full seconds.
Repeat for ten attempts. Do on padded mat, crash pad, or other padded surface!!
Ab-bench (or other sit-up that ranges from trunk extension through to flexion) 30 reps at max weight
Back extension 25 reps
Air Squat 50 reps
This is a really tough day. Don't hold back. Tomorrow is met-con only, so you will be able to rest
your arms, back, and shoulders. You are getting a small taste of the demands of a gymnast's workout.
Row 500 meters
Rest 10 minutes
Row 1000 meters
Rest 10 minutes
Row 2000 meters
Rest 10 minutes
Hang from pull-up bar and slowly touch toes to bar 20 times
Back extension 20 reps
Rest 1 minute
50 sit-ups, use ab mat
Back extension 20 reps
Rest 1 minute
25 Pike-ups (laying face up flex rapidly at the hip only touching the toes
before unfolding, minimize trunk flexion)
30 slow reverse back extensions (lie across something dangling legs
and hips freely then slowly without throwing bring legs and hips up to
parallel, hold and relax)
30 sit-ups and 21 back extensions
Run 1 mile for time
No rest between sets for the following:
50 sit-ups
21 back extensions
Hang from bar and slowly raise legs, curl and touch toes to bar 25 times.
Arch rock 1 minute
25 crunches on glute-ham back extension apparatus (upside down on back extension app.)
Stiff-legged deadlift 50 % BW for 25 reps
Today: Find your way to a track with a place for pull-ups.
Often, there will be parallel bars as well as a pull-up bar.
Run 400 meters (once around for those new to the track)
Do 50 pull-ups in as many sets as required
(if you don't have 10 pull-ups, do 200 jumping pull-ups)
Run 400 meters
Do 50 dips or 75 push-ups in as many sets as required
Run 400 meters
Do 75 air squats
Run 400 meters
Start with a calisthenic, whole body, single set per exercise mini-routine.
We will explore dozens of these "mini workout warm-ups". They all contain
elements of hip/trunk flexion & extension, pushing and pulling.
Stretch (hips, legs, back, chest, and shoulders)
Back extensions
Rope climb or pull-ups
Dips or push-ups
Clean and Jerk 15,12, and 9 reps (If you need help with this movement contact us.
We offer regular free seminars in the Olympic lifts)
Finish with the same effort coming in.
Back extensions
Rope Climb or pull-ups
Dips or Push-ups
No metabolic conditioning today. That suggests something about tomorrow to those
of you who are paying attention.
Trunk flexion: sit-ups.
Trunk extension: back extension.
Hip flexion: knee ups.
Hip extension: air squats.
Push: dips.
Pull: pull-ups.
Weightlifting: deadlift
Row: 2K meters
Stretch: back, hips, legs, chest, shoulders.
See how tough you can make this workout. This is a high intensity training session.
We're just doing one set of each exercise make it a killer! Each set should be a max effort.
No resting during set. Rest as needed between exercises.
Report your efforts for feedback. Include times in your workout, but don't include stretch time in total.
Today we are employing a drill the CrossFit crew calls the “wall-ball.” The wall-ball drill is
a deep front squat followed through with a push-press and overhead throw. The ball, a
20 lb Dynamax medicine ball should make contact with the wall at about two feet over your
reach and rebound to your hands where you immediately bring the ball back to your chest
and squat to absorb the impact. The movements up and down are mechanically identical.
Stand about 18 inches away from the wall. The idea is to be in constant motion either on
the way up or catching and lowering. The major faults here are either to not squat to
parallel and to let the ball contact with a thud rather than gently absorbing the impact with
the arms and legs.
Run 800 meters.
Stretch for ten minutes.
Wall-ball for 50 throws within 2 minutes.
Immediately do as many pull-ups as possible in five minutes.
Rest 5 minutes.
Wall-ball for 50 throws within 2 minutes.
Immediately do as many pull-ups as possible in five minutes.
Rest 5 minutes.
Wall-ball for 50 throws within 2 minutes.
Immediately do as many pull-ups as possible in five minutes.
Rest 5 minutes.
Run 800 meters.