6 Rounds for time
Every 5 mins
21/18 Cal. Row
15 Burpee Over Rower
9 Power Snatch (135/95)
Wod Type: For TimeMayhem Daily Wods
Benchmark, Memorial, Hero WODS | Crossfit Wods At Home
Results for {phrase} ({results_count} of {results_count_total})
Displaying {results_count} results of {results_count_total}
6 Rounds for time
Every 5 mins
21/18 Cal. Row
15 Burpee Over Rower
9 Power Snatch (135/95)
Bench Press (9x3 @82.5%)
Every 1:15
For Time (with a Partner)
200/170 Cal. Row
100 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
40 Sand Bag Cleans (150/100)
3 Rounds for time of:
30 Wall-Ball Shots, 20#
30 Sumo-Deadlift High Pulls, 75#
30 Box Jumps, 20"
30 Push Press, 75#
30 Calorie Row
30 Push-ups
10 Bodyweight Squats
10 Rounds for time
Every 3 mins (10 rds)
19 Wall Balls (20/14)
19/15 Cal. Row
*Record each rd*
Squat Clean and Jerk (5x1)
5 sets
2 Squat Cleans + 1 Jerk
* Work up to a moderate weight *
For Time:
100/80 Cal. Row
1000m Run (Assault Runner)
Power Clean (5x5)
Add weight each set. Touch and Go!
For Time:
500m Row
400m Ski
30/24 Cal. Assault Bike
400m Ski
500m Row
Skill Work
Muscle Up
4 Rounds for Time
25/20 Cal. Row
25/20 Deficit Push Ups (4in/2in)
Push Jerk (1 Rep Max)
10 mins
For Time:
30 Thrusters (95/65)
30 Cal. Row
20 Thrusters (115/80)
20 Cal. Row
10 Thrusters (135/95)
10 Cal. Row
Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds)
Every min (10 mins)
200/175m Row
Rest 1 min
Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds)
Every min (10 mins)
6 Clean and Jerks (135/95)
Rest 1 min
Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds)
Every min (10 mins)
12 Burpee over Bar*
*Burpee parallel over bar
Deficit Deadlifts (8x2 @87.5%)
Standing on a 2" riser12 mins
10 min Amrap
200/175m Row
20/15 Push Ups
-Rest 3 minutes-
10 min Amrap
20/15 Cal. Assault Bike
20 GHD's