Sunday 111225
Front squat 2-2-2-2-2-2 reps
Dave Lipson, 485lbs, Jason Khalipa 365lbs, Pat Barber 315lbs.
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Benchmark, Memorial, Hero WODS | Crossfit Wods At Home
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Sunday 111225
Front squat 2-2-2-2-2-2 reps
Dave Lipson, 485lbs, Jason Khalipa 365lbs, Pat Barber 315lbs.
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Monday 111219
"CrossFit Total"
Back squat, 1 rep
Shoulder Press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 repCole Dick (age 15): Squat 355, Press 145, Deadlift 475. Total 975lbs.
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Wednesday 111221
21-15-9 reps for time of:
135 pound Clean
GHD sit-upGreg Amundson 3:50, Scott Puckett 4:24. Post time to comments.
Thursday 111222
For time:
Run 1000 meters
100 Push-ups
135 pound Snatch, 10 repsJosh Everett 6:30, Kristan Clever 11:07 (95lbs). Post time to comments.
Saturday 111217
Five rounds for time of:
20 Pull-ups
30 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood
40 Double-undersKevin Montoya 13:29, Tim Burke 15:15, Rob Orlando 15:29, Jenny LaBaw 15:42.
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Sunday 111218
Three rounds for time of:
Row 1000 meters
Run 800 metersLucas Zepeda 20:55, Tyler Hinz 21:40, Dave Leys 21:44, Kevin Montoya 22:53.
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Tuesday 111213
Three rounds for time of:
35 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, 15 reps, right arm
15 GHD sit-ups
35 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, 15 reps, left arm
15 Toes to barKristan Clever 9:48, Rebecca Voigt 11:15, Lindsey Valenzuela 11:21.
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Wednesday 111214
Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5 reps
Thursday 111215
Three rounds for time of:
7 Muscle-ups
35 pound Dumbbell thruster, 21 repsRob Orlando 4:57, Kristan Clever 6:58, Rebecca Voigt 8:34, Andrea Ager 8:41.
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Saturday 111210
Resting 60 seconds between sets:
Bench press 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2