Wednesday 201028
Happy Star
5-7-9-11 reps for time of:Burpees, jumping over an object
Thrusters, increasing load each roundRun 200 meters at the start of each round
♀ 95-105-110-115-lb. thrusters
♂ 135-145-155-165-lb. thrusters
Benchmark, Memorial, Hero WODS | Crossfit Wods At Home
Results for {phrase} ({results_count} of {results_count_total})
Displaying {results_count} results of {results_count_total}
Wednesday 201028
Happy Star
5-7-9-11 reps for time of:Burpees, jumping over an object
Thrusters, increasing load each roundRun 200 meters at the start of each round
♀ 95-105-110-115-lb. thrusters
♂ 135-145-155-165-lb. thrusters
2007 Reload
2007 Reload
For time:1,500-meter row
Then, 5 rounds of:
10 bar muscle-ups
7 push jerks♀ 145 lb. ♂ 235 lb.
Saturday 201024
Run 5,000 meters, preferably on a trail.
Snatch Speed Triple
Snatch Speed Triple (similar)
5 rounds, each for time and load of:
1 snatch
1 snatch, adding 5-10 pounds
1 snatch, adding 5-10 more poundsRest as needed between rounds. Use 3 barbells, or change the loads as quickly as possible between lifts.
Friday 201023
Run 5,000 meters, preferably on a trail.
Tune in to Friday to watch the Games trail run and other events.
Monday 201019
CrossFit Total
Back squat, 1 rep
Shoulder press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep
30-20-10 reps for time of:
Kettlebell walking lunges♀ Two 24-kg KBs ♂ Two 32-kg KBs
Friday 201016
Front squat 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1-1 reps
Run 1 mile
Sunday 201018
Workout 20.5
For time, partitioned any way:
40 muscle-ups
80-cal. row
120 wall-ball shots♀ 14-lb. ball to 9 ft.
♂ 20-lb. ball to 10 ft.
Monday 201012
Complete as many rounds as possible in 7 minutes of:
50 double-unders
10 overhead squats♀ 95 lb. ♂135 lb.