Three rounds for time of:
15 Knees to Elbows
5 Muscle-ups
15 Knees to Elbows
If you can't muscle-up substitute 25 pull-ups and 25 dips at each round,
and.... get themuscle-up soon. Power through this workout, but don't
cheat the movements.
Complete the following in as few sets as possible, yet within thirty minutes.
50 Ring Dips
50 "L" Pull-ups
If you can't do the ring dips or L pull-ups, do regular pull-ups and bar dips.
If you can't do those use a Gravitron or Cybex for assisted pull-ups and dips.
Hang from bar and touch knees to elbows, 15-12 and 9 reps.
20 Dips
Run 400 meters, max effort.
With no rest between deadlift and pull-ups with only 60 seconds rest between superset:
Deadlift 15 reps (body weight)/Pull-ups 15 reps
Deadlift 12 reps (body weight)/Pull-ups 12 reps
Deadlift 9 reps (body weight)/Pull-ups 9 reps
Run 400 meters, max effort.
20 Dips
Hang form bar and touch knees to elbows, 15-12 and 9 reps.
For Time:
Jump Rope "Double Unders"; 2 minutes
10 Handstand push-ups
Jump Rope "Double Unders"; 2 minutes
Sumo Deadlift High Pull @ no less than for 1/2 your body weight for:
12-10-8-6-4 reps. Use same load for each set.
Jump Rope "Double Unders"; 2 minutes
50 Dips, as many sets as required. If able use rings.
Jump Rope "Double Unders"; 2 minutes
Bike two minutes all out, three times with five minute break between efforts.
Record and submit distance for each effort.
How many rotations can you do within 15 minutes? One point each station.
Back extension 15 reps with 25 lb. plate
Deadlift/High-pull X 10 reps 50% body weight
If you can't do a muscle-up, do 15 pull-ups and 15 dips instead.
Bench press 10-8-6-4-2 reps.
Total weight for all five sets and submit with body weight.
Rest as needed before,
How many passes of this circuit can you make in 20 minutes?
Count each element (Box jump, Muscle-up, Leg raise) as a single point,
so that, for instance, four complete circuits and once more 20 box jumps
and one more muscle-up would be 14 points. If you still can't do the
muscle-up substitute twenty assisted pull-up and dips.
Box Jump 20" X 20 jumps
Hanging leg raise, toes to bar X10