Shoulder press 65 pounds 90 seconds for reps.
Tabata Squats – “bottom to bottom”
Shoulder press 65 pounds 90 seconds for reps.
“Bottom to bottom” squats start at the bottom and end at the bottom with but an instantaneous stop at the top. Rest is at the bottom!
Shoulder press as many of the reps as possible and then push-press the remaining. Return the score as S/P, “S” being the number of reps shoulder pressed and “P” being the number of reps push-pressed.
Pick load for the thruster and keep it for all five rounds.
Divide thruster weight by number of seconds to completion for total score. Post score in comments.
Our “thruster” is nothing more than a front squat - push press combo. The movement represents one of the most significant accelerations that can be performed by the human body. It requires a full range of motion in the ankle, knee, hip, shoulder, elbow, and wrist all working against the normal force of gravity with entire body mass plus a load. It doesn’t get any harder than that.