Sunday 111113
21-15-9 reps for time of:
GHD Wall ball, 10 pound ball
Wallball "2-fer-1s", 20 pound ballPat Barber 5:23, Cary Hair 5:53, Cara Hipskind 6:06.
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Sunday 111113
21-15-9 reps for time of:
GHD Wall ball, 10 pound ball
Wallball "2-fer-1s", 20 pound ballPat Barber 5:23, Cary Hair 5:53, Cara Hipskind 6:06.
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Tuesday 111115
Thruster 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
Josh Boultinghouse 305lbs, Stefan Niemczyk 275lbs, Owen Franks 260lbs, Maya Keenan-Gallagher 80lbs (age 11).
Post loads to comments.Compare to 101020.
For time:
135 pound Clean and Jerk, 30 repsOR
For time:
Snatch 135 pounds, 30 repsUse 95 pounds, 65 pounds or broomstick as needed.
Grace: John McKay 1:19, Alyssa Ross (age 17, 95lbs) 3:15.
Post your choice of girls and time and load to comments.Compare to 090508 or 110819.
Friday 111111
For time:
1 mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile RunPartition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you've got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.
Saturday 111105
For time:
Row 300 meters
135 pound Push press, 20 reps
Row 300 meters
135 pound Push press, 15 reps
Row 300 meters
135 pound Push press, 10 reps
Row 300 meters
135 pound Push press, 5 repsAustin Malleolo 6:34, Chad Wittman 6:35. Post time to comments.
Monday 111107
Three rounds for time of:
30 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball (10.5 foot target)
75 pound Squat snatches, 30 reps (movement initiates with barbell below the knees)Spencer Hendel 9:54, Austin Malleolo 11:46.
Post time to comments.Compare to 110722.
Five rounds for time of:
15' Rope climb, 3 ascents
10 Toes to bar
21 Walking lunge steps with 45lb plate held overhead
Run 400 metersKristan Clever 21:18, Candice Ruiz 21:21 (25lb lunge), Kenneth Cutrer 21:47, Rebecca Voigt 23:07, Katie Hogan 27:31, Lindsey Valenzuela 27:47.
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Tuesday 111101
Set a cone at 20 meters. Five rounds for time of:
185 pound barbell Overhead walk, 40 meters
30 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
95 pound barbells Farmer carry, 40 metersThe barbells must be turned around the cone.
Thursday 111103
Seven rounds of:
35 Double-unders
1 SnatchMake one snatch attempt per round.
Rebecca Voigt 8:00/875lbs, Kristan Clever 9:50/444lbs.
Post time and total of all successful snatches to comments. Do not count missed reps.Compare to 110523.
Friday 111104
For time:
25 GHD sit-ups
1 Muscle-up
20 GHD sit-ups
2 Muscle-ups
15 GHD sit-ups
3 Muscle-ups
10 GHD sit-ups
4 Muscle-ups
5 GHD sit-ups
5 Muscle-upsAustin Malleolo 4:25, Kristan Clever 4:41, Chris Zienkievicz 4:41, Matt Chan 4:57, James Hobart 5:20, Jeff Tincher 5:29, Kevin Montoya 5:31, Laurie Galassi 5:44, Danielle Edmundson 6:57, Rebecca Voigt 7:05.
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