If a workout is graded as For Time, the goal is to perform the specified amount of work as soon as possible (AFAP).
The ranking "For Time" workouts is calculated as the cumulative amount of minutes and seconds (e.g. 08:15) on the clock when the last rep of the exercise is done.
Strength Snatch (5x5@75% ) Complete a set every 2:00
Metcon For Time: 100ft DB Lunge Walk (50s/35s) 21 Burpee Pull Ups 100ft DB Lunge Walk (50s/35s) 15 Burpee Pull Ups 100ft DB Lunge Walk (50s/35s) 9 Burpee Pull Ups 100ft DB Lunge Walk (50s/35s)
For Time (with a Partner) 2,000 meter Row 75 Syncro Kettlebell Swings (1.5/1) 1,500 meter Row 100 Syncro Push Ups 1,000 meter Row 75 Syncro Kettlebell Swings (1.5/1)
3 Rounds for Time @0:00 3 rds 15/12 Cal. Assault Bike 15 Thrusters (95/65) @10:00 3rds 15/12 Cal. Assault Bike 15 Shoulder to OVH (115/75) @20:00 3rds 15/12 Cal. Assault Bike 15 Front Squats (135/95) 8 min Time Cap each set