Saturday 210612
Saturday 210612
Online Semifinals Event 5
For time:
2,000-m row
60-m handstand walk
5 legless rope climbs, 15 ft.
1,000-m row
40-m handstand walk
4 legless rope climbs, 15 ft.
500-m row
20-m handstand walk
3 legless rope climbs, 15 ft.Post time to comments.
This is a long, high-skill workout. Deconditioned athletes should reduce the overall volume and choose gymnastics modifications that incorporate time on hands as well as a pull.Intermediate Option:
For time:
2,000-m row
40-m handstand walk
3 legless rope climbs, 15 ft.
1,000-m row
25-m handstand walk
2 legless rope climbs, 15 ft.
500-m row
15-m handstand walk
1 legless rope climbs, 15 ft.Beginner Option:
For time:
1,000-m row
40-m bear crawl
3 rope climbs, lying to standing
500-m row
25-m bear crawl
2 rope climbs, lying to standing
250-m row
15-m bear crawl
1 rope climb, lying to standing
Mayhem Daily Wod - 21611
Mayhem Daily Wod - 21611
Compete 3 Sets 21-15-9 Kettlebell Front Squats (2x53/35) Calorie Assault Bike (OR 17-12-7 Calorie Echo Bike) -Rest 1:1 between sets- *Ladies Calories 17-12-7
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Friday 210611
Friday 210611
Online Semifinals Event 4
Complete as many repetitions as possible in 10 minutes of:
10 snatches
Rest 1 minute
10 snatches
Rest 1 minute
10 snatches
Rest 1 minMax-rep snatches in time remaining
Weight increases after each rest period.♀ 85-125-145-165 lb.
♂ 135-185-225-245 lb.Post reps competed to comments.
Experienced athletes should maintain the format of these snatch sets but consider starting at a lighter weight. Newer athletes should treat today’s workout as a technique day and focus on sound mechanics with lighter weight.Intermediate Option:
Complete as many repetitions as possible in 10 minutes of:
10 snatches
Rest 1 minute
10 snatches
Rest 1 minute
10 snatches
Rest 1 minute
Max-rep snatches in time remaining
Weight increases after each rest period.♀ 75-95-115-135 lb.
♂ 115-135-165-195 lb.Beginner Option:
Squat snatch 3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3
Mayhem Daily Wod - 21610
Mayhem Daily Wod - 21610
Aerobic Capacity Row "Lactate Threshold" Workout 3x10min at moderate -Rest 4min between reps-
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Mayhem Daily Wod - 2164
Mayhem Daily Wod - 2164
Compete 2 Sets: 30-20-10 Dumbbell Snatches (70/50) Burpees Box Jump Over (24”/20”) -Rest 1:1 between sets-
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Mayhem Daily Wod - 2261
Mayhem Daily Wod - 2261
What's Rich Doing 10-8-6-4-2 Dumbbell squat snatches (100/70) 20-16-12-8-4 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
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Wednesday 210609
Wednesday 210609
Online Semifinals Event 3
For time:
30 muscle-ups
30-meter dumbbell front-rack lunge
300 double-unders
20 muscle-ups
20-meter dumbbell front-rack lunge
200 double-unders
10 muscle-ups
10-meter dumbbell front-rack lunge
100 double-unders♀ 35-lb. DBs ♂ 50-lb. DBs
25-minute time cap.
Post time to comments.
Modify the muscle-ups to pull and push exercises that challenge you without causing you to hit failure. Newer athletes should reduce the overall volume of this workout.Intermediate Option:
For time:
20 muscle-ups
30-meter dumbbell front-rack lunge
200 double-unders
10 muscle-ups
20-meter dumbbell front-rack lunge
100 double-unders
5 muscle-ups
10-meter dumbbell front-rack lunge
50 double-unders♀ 25-lb. DBs ♂ 35-lb. DBs
Beginner Option:
For time:
20 assisted pull-ups + 20 assisted push-ups
30-meter lunge
200 single-unders
10 assisted pull-ups + 10 assisted push-ups
20-meter lunge
100 single-unders
5 assisted pull-ups + 5 assisted push-ups
10-meter lunge
50 single-unders
Mayhem Daily Wod - 2168
Mayhem Daily Wod - 2168
Affiliate For Time: 27-21-15-9 Bench Press (135/95) Toes to Bar
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Tuesday 210608
Tuesday 210608
Online Semifinals Event 2
For time:
50 dumbbell shoulder-to-overheads
50 dumbbell deadlifts
50 GHD sit-ups
100 single-arm dumbbell overhead squats
50 GHD sit-ups
50 dumbbell deadlifts
50 dumbbell shoulder-to-overheads♀ 35-lb. DBs ♂ 50-lb. DBs
25-minute time cap
Post time to comments.
Reduce the load on the dumbbell. Newer athletes should also reduce the overall volume of this workout. All athletes should be wary of the two large sets of GHD sit-ups.Intermediate Option:
For time:
50 dumbbell shoulder-to-overheads
50 dumbbell deadlifts
35 GHD sit-ups
100 single-arm dumbbell overhead squats
35 GHD sit-ups
50 dumbbell deadlifts
50 dumbbell shoulder-to-overheads♀ 25-lb. DBs ♂ 35-lb. DBs
Beginner Option:
For time:
35 dumbbell shoulder-to-overheads
35 dumbbell deadlifts
35 sit-ups
70 single-arm dumbbell squats
35 sit-ups
35 dumbbell deadlifts
35 dumbbell shoulder-to-overheads♀ 10-lb. DBs ♂ 15-lb. DBs
Mayhem Daily Wod - 2167
Mayhem Daily Wod - 2167
M30 4 Sets: 15 Box Jumps *STEP DOWN Or Tuck Jumps 30 Jumping Air Squats 15 Burpees -Rest 2:00 B/T Sets-
"Harry Grant Minimal" 4 Sets: 21 Double Dumbbell Thrusters (50s/35s) 15 Box Jumps (24"/20") *STEP DOWN 9 Strict Handstand Push Ups -Rest 2:00 B/T Sets-
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