Two rounds of:
Run 800 meters.
25 Hip Extensions (Back extensions) on Glute-Ham Developer.
30 Hip Flexions (Sit-ups) on Glute-Ham Developer.
1-Arm Barbell Press 20 reps left and right arm.
Powerclean 1/2 bodyweight 20 reps.
1. 1-Arm Press derives it's impetus from a lateral "shove" of the hip and torso.
Do not lean back. Suggest empty bar for first timers.
2. Rest five minutes between rounds.
3. Ten minutes is a good time for each round.
For time:
1000 meter Row
20 pound Wallball, 50 shots
50 Sit-ups
20 pound Wallball, 50 shots
50 Sit-ups
20 pound Wallball, 50 shots
50 Sit-ups
1000 meter Row
1. Wall-ball shot counts only if it starts from deep squat and hits wall 18 inches above reach.
2. Do sit-ups on Roman-Chair or Back Extension Apparatus.
3. Let us know if you can finish this in twenty minutes or less.
Three rounds for time of:
15 Glute Ham Developer Med Ball Sit ups
15 Pull ups
Lay back to horizontal with a medicine ball held overhead
(we're using an 8 pounder for this).
Quickly sit-up and throw the ball forward and level to the ground.
At the start, the medicine ball should be closer to the
ground than the head or shoulders
1) If you can't "double under" then jump hard and fast for 3 minutes.
2) Rest as little as possible.
3) Can you do this in ten minutes? How about fifteen? Twenty?
1. Perform any sit-up you want.
2. If you're new to the site and don't know what a muscle-up is,
you can find it in today's link.
3. If you still can't perform the muscle up. Give us twenty-five pull-ups
and twenty-five dips per round.
4. Typically, you'll have the strength for a muscle-up when you can do
twenty pull-ups and dips without a pause.
Perform each of these for 1 minute and work through the cycle 3 times.
Hollow Rock
Hollow Arch
Back Extension
Knees to Elbows
Stiff legged deadlift
Three rounds for time of:
25 Sit-ups
25 Thrusters (off 10" box), (~25 RM load)
3 Rope Climb
1. Try this sit-up: touch fingers from opposite hands together
behind thighs without touching your legs with your arms, hands,
or fingers then lower back to flat on ground with hands overhead.
2. Thruster, as a reminder, is a front squat/push-press. With what
percentage of your body weight can you complete the 25 reps?
3. Climb rope in "L" if you're able.
4. Minimize time to completion.
For time:
50 Sit-ups
Standing two minute sprint on stationary bike
Push-press, 1/3 body weight 21 reps
Standing two minute sprint on stationary bike
Push-press, 1/3 body weight 15 reps
Standing two minute sprint on staionary bike
Push-press, 1/3 body weight 9 reps
50 Sit-ups