Wednesday 030226
Pick your least favorite, yet available:
Row 5K
Run 5K
Bike 10K
Swim 1K
Benchmark, Memorial, Hero WODS | Crossfit Wods At Home
Results for {phrase} ({results_count} of {results_count_total})
Displaying {results_count} results of {results_count_total}
Wednesday 030226
Pick your least favorite, yet available:
Row 5K
Run 5K
Bike 10K
Swim 1K
Wednesday 030219
Four rounds for time of:
Run 1 mile
20 inch Box Jump, 50 reps
Tuesday 030204
Complete as many rounds in 30 minutes as you can of:
25 Sit-ups
85 pound Push press, 21 reps
400 meter Run
Monday 030127
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
Body weight deadlift, 10 reps
10 Pull-ups
800 meter Run
Tuesday 030107
Complete two minutes each of:
20 inch Box jump
Walking lunge
Bike Sprint
SquatRest 5 minutes, repeat
Thursday 030109
Run one minute turn around and run back. "1 in/1 out"
Rest as needed.
2minutes of Kettlebell Swing
Rest 2 minutes
90 Seconds of Kettlebell Swing
Rest 90 seconds.
60 Seconds of Kettlebell Swing,"1 in/ 1 out"
For 1in/1out, set watch to continuous
countdown mode for one minute. It will beep
every minute in this mode. Start run and
make mental note of location at turn around.
Push hard enough that you cannot make it
back in one minute, i.e., done right you
come in "late." Work with toughest Kettlebell you can
for all three sets. Try for same one minute "outspot" on
second run. Again record time "late" on return.
Compare to first run. If you don't want to run substitute
500 meter row or 5 minutes stairclimb
or 5 minute cycle.
Friday 030110
For time:
Max set of pull-ups
800 meter Run
Max set of pull-ups
400 meter Run
Max set of pull-ups
200 meter Run
Thurday 030102
Three round for time of:
1 minute Hollow rock
1 minute Arch rock
10 One legged squats, left leg
10 One legged squats, right legHollow Rock: Lie on your back,
place your arms overhead, and
rock smoothly back and forth
like a rocking chair.Arch Rock: Lie on your stomach,
place your arms overhead, lift your heels
with straight legs, and rock smoothly
back and forth like a rocking chair.One legged squat assistance: Hold your jump rope
strung over your pull-up bar for balance and
assistance if you've not developed the fitness
for this yet.
Monday 030106
Four round for time of:
1/2 Body weight sumo deadlift high pull, 15 reps
Run 400 meters