Set up before a clock, and every minute on the minute perform 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 squats. Can you continue for thirty minutes? Twenty minutes? How about 10? Post results to comments. If you fall behind the clock keep going for thirty minutes and see how many rounds you can complete.
If you've finished the workout before, this time add +1 to each exercise, i.e., 6 pull-ups, 11 push-ups, and 16 squats each minute, and see if you can go the full thirty minutes. Greg Amundson has done +4.
Set up before a clock, and every minute on the minute perform 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 squats. Can you continue for thirty minutes? Twenty minutes? How about 10? Post results to comments. If you fall behind the clock keep going for thirty minutes and see how many rounds you can complete.
If you've finished the workout before this time add +1 to each exercise, i.e., 6 pull-ups, 11 push-ups, and 16 squats each minute, and see if you can go the full thirty minutes. We've seen +3. Any +4's?
For twenty minutes:
10 Dumbbell Thrusters
10 Pull-ups
Multiply thruster load by rounds completed, e.g., 50 pounds X 23 rounds = 1,150 pound-rounds (a useful measure of work and, by extension, average power for the workout) and post to comments.
Use false grip and bring the rings as close to your navel as you can. If you don't have rings, do pull-ups and dips - lots of them. Post results to comments in both cases.
Two rounds for score of:
Tabata Squats
Muscle-up for four minutes
No rest between finishing T. squats and muscle-ups. This is a 16-minute workout with rest at 8 minutes. Multiply lowest squat count for all eight intervals by the number of muscle-ups completed in four minutes for each round and post to comments. Substitute 5 pull-ups and 5 dips for each muscle-up if necessary.
For time:
Run 400 meters
25 left arm snatches
25 right arm snatches
25 pull-ups
Run 400 meters
20 left arm snatches
20 right arm snatches
20 pull-ups
Run 400 meters
15 left arm snatches
15 right arm snatches
15 pull-ups
Run 400 meters
Use 1½ pood Kettlebell or 55 pound dumbbell for snatches. Post time to comments.