Today: Find your way to a track with a place for pull-ups.
Often, there will be parallel bars as well as a pull-up bar.
Run 400 meters (once around for those new to the track)
Do 50 pull-ups in as many sets as required
(if you don't have 10 pull-ups, do 200 jumping pull-ups)
Run 400 meters
Do 50 dips or 75 push-ups in as many sets as required
Run 400 meters
Do 75 air squats
Run 400 meters
Today we start and end with our calisthenic warm-up and cool down and throw a
little rowing and power cleans in the middle. There's no break between the rowing
and the power cleans. The warm-up and cool down are max or near max rep sets
with lots of rest between efforts. This is a tough one.
Ab bench
Back extensios
Air Squat
Row 500 meters
Power Clean 21 reps
Rest 5 minutes
Row 500 meters
Power Clean 15 reps
Rest 5 minutes
Row 500 meters
Power Clean 9 reps
Rest 5 minutes
Ab bench
Back extension
Air Squat
Trunk flexion: sit-ups.
Trunk extension: back extension.
Hip flexion: knee ups.
Hip extension: air squats.
Push: dips.
Pull: pull-ups.
Weightlifting: deadlift
Row: 2K meters
Stretch: back, hips, legs, chest, shoulders.
See how tough you can make this workout. This is a high intensity training session.
We're just doing one set of each exercise make it a killer! Each set should be a max effort.
No resting during set. Rest as needed between exercises.
Report your efforts for feedback. Include times in your workout, but don't include stretch time in total.
Start with a calisthenic, whole body, single set per exercise mini-routine.
We will explore dozens of these "mini workout warm-ups". They all contain
elements of hip/trunk flexion & extension, pushing and pulling.
Stretch (hips, legs, back, chest, and shoulders)
Back extensions
Rope climb or pull-ups
Dips or push-ups
Clean and Jerk 15,12, and 9 reps (If you need help with this movement contact us.
We offer regular free seminars in the Olympic lifts)
Finish with the same effort coming in.
Back extensions
Rope Climb or pull-ups
Dips or Push-ups
No metabolic conditioning today. That suggests something about tomorrow to those
of you who are paying attention.
We will continue today on our recurrent theme of core-focus.
1) Hanging from the pull-up bar SLOWLY lean back and lift your feet towards your
hands until your tows gently touch the bar. Repeat for a total of twenty times.
2) Arch rock for one minute. If you've forgotten what the arch rock is go to:
(You are supposed to be practicing for the moves on this page regularly anyway!!
3) Fifty sit-ups with substantial support (towel or abmat, etc.) under the lumbar spine.
Knees up and apart, feet together.
4) Thirty back extensions.
5) Hollow Rocks for sixty seconds. Again if you've forgotten:
6) 20 Stiff legged deadlifts. These are performed with an arched back! From the stand,
bow down letting the chest lag behind as far as possible. Do not surrender the arch in
your lower back. Done right you won't get anywhere near the floor with the barbell. If
your mechanics are correct you will feel an extraordinary tightness in the hamstrings.
7) Hold an L for sixty seconds. Repeat two times for a total of three efforts.
8) Twenty five times perform a "hug-a-twinky". If you don't know the movement here it is:
Some of you may be tempted to slough off the moves that you can't perform. You need to
understand that what you can't do here clearly defines your deficiencies as an athlete.
Any reasonably conditioned athlete can do all of these without much difficulty. If you find
a chink in your armor, work daily on correcting it.
Today we are employing a drill the CrossFit crew calls the “wall-ball.” The wall-ball drill is
a deep front squat followed through with a push-press and overhead throw. The ball, a
20 lb Dynamax medicine ball should make contact with the wall at about two feet over your
reach and rebound to your hands where you immediately bring the ball back to your chest
and squat to absorb the impact. The movements up and down are mechanically identical.
Stand about 18 inches away from the wall. The idea is to be in constant motion either on
the way up or catching and lowering. The major faults here are either to not squat to
parallel and to let the ball contact with a thud rather than gently absorbing the impact with
the arms and legs.
Run 800 meters.
Stretch for ten minutes.
Wall-ball for 50 throws within 2 minutes.
Immediately do as many pull-ups as possible in five minutes.
Rest 5 minutes.
Wall-ball for 50 throws within 2 minutes.
Immediately do as many pull-ups as possible in five minutes.
Rest 5 minutes.
Wall-ball for 50 throws within 2 minutes.
Immediately do as many pull-ups as possible in five minutes.
Rest 5 minutes.
Run 800 meters.
Here we go again!!
We're returning to the "CrossFit Challenge":
Apply the "Tabata Interval"
(20 secs of work followed by 10 secs of rest repeated 8 times) to:
For the Rowing record the number of meters you complete in each interval.
For the other exercises record the number of reps you complete in each interval.
You get a minute break between each exercise.
The lowest numbers from each exercise are added for a total score.
This is an extremely challenging workout. It takes exactly 24 minutes to completion.
Your final score is an excellent measure of your total fitness
This is an amazingly complete workout in only twenty-four minutes.
Set-up the rower for intervals of twenty seconds work and ten seconds rest.
Set the rower to display meters in the lower window. Go all out on the first effort.
On subsequent efforts work to capture as many meters as in the first effort.
In the same interval pattern, 20on/10off X 8,
Squat (air squat).
Same interval pull-ups.
Same interval push-ups.
Same interval sit-ups.
If you transition from one exercise to the next in ten seconds, this is a
twenty-minute workout. For all but the best athletes this will be all but impossible.
Transition from one exercise to the next as quickly as you can. One-minute maximum
transition break! No ranking will be considered for total time that exceeds twenty-four minutes.
Ranking is based on least number of meters in each of eight rowing intervals, and least
reps in each of eight intervals for each of the other four exercises.
Submission includes five numbers: least number of meters in rowing, least number of squats,
least number of pull-ups, least number of push-ups, and least number of sit-ups.
If nobody minds, we'll give the legs a little break today-
How many pull-ups can you do in an hour?
Success comes here by pacing and not going to failure on any set.
Rankings will be by weight class.
Don't be foolish and fill in with any met-con (cardio) or other work.
You don't know what looms! Also, if you're current with the path
the other athletes have been following and your intensity has been
worthy of your best efforts you are long overdue for a reduced
metabolic load.
Our "Workout of the Day" is engineered with great dilligence to care for
ALL of your fitness needs. If some days seem too easy that is because
workouts either before or coming are tortuous and the backing off is
warranted. We are feeding you a regimen that represents the ultimate
challenge for the world's best athletes.
If you are concurrently training for sport, like most of our athletes, temper
your efforts to allow for successful sport training. This is a learned skill
requiring a finely honed sense of self. On the days when your sports
training regimen is lighter, tear it up with our strength and conditioning
workout. On days when your sports training regimen is tough, moderate
your efforts. Many of our athletes are able to engage the "Workout of the Day"
right up to and during competition by just "going through the motions" while
still "doing" the daily workout.
Again, the "Workout of the Day" is designed to accomodate additional sport
training, recreational activity, or stand alone by simply modulating the intensity
of your effort. If you need help with this concept email at [email protected]
and one of our coaches will gladly help you come to terms with this.
We are due for a little circuit work. Circuit training is an excellent test
of your overall fitness. At CrossFit intensities it becomes debilitating.
We use it sparingly and go all out! This is "combat" or "getting out of
the burning building" fitness.
Decide loads and assistance (if absolutely necessary to get ALL reps)
before starting. Be smart, shelve your ego and shoot for rapid completion
with NO rest. Submit record of total time, weights for each lift, and
assistance (if needed on pull-ups and dips). Set up recording sheet
ahead of time. Rip!!
Bike for 3 miles
Twenty ball-squats (20 lb. Med ball)
Twenty push-ups
Twenty pull-ups
Row 500 meters
Box step up (20") with dumbbells, 25 right , 25 left
Bench-press 15 reps
Rope climb