For time:
10 Pull-ups
10 Two arm dumbbell swings
10 Pull-ups
10 Right arm push-presses
10 Pull-ups
10 Left arm push-presses
10 Pull-ups
10 Right arm snatches
10 Pull-ups
10 Left arm snatches
10 Pull-ups
Select either a 35, 55, or 70 pound dumbbell (or 1, 1.5, or 2 pood kettlebell). Post load and time to comments.
Complete 5 rounds of:
Start the Wall-Ball exercise and see how long you can stay ahead of these milestones and at failure, rest two minutes and perform max set of pull-ups:
1/2 minute – 12 shots
1 minute – 25 shots
1 1/2 minutes – 37 shots
2 minutes – 50 shots
2 1/2 - 62 shots
3 minutes – 75 shots
3 1/2 minutes – 87 shots
4 minutes – 100 shots
4 1/2 minutes – 112 shots
5 minutes – 125 shots
5 1/2 minutes – 137 shots
6 minutes – 150 shots
Use 20-pound ball and ten-foot target.
Rest three minutes between rounds.
Post Wall-Ball time and pull-up total for each round. E.G., 4/28,3/20,2:30/15,2:30/11,2/9.
A CrossFit "Forging Elite Fitness" t-shirt will be awarded for the most consecutive muscle-ups in each of three divisions: open class, women, and Clydesdales (200 + lbs.).
This breaks the three-way tie (Brad H, Robb. W, and Loyd L.) from the CrossFit Journal muscle-up contest! If you still don’t have rings check this out and do as many pull-ups and dips as you can in as few sets as possible in thirty minutes. Don’t let a lack of rings limit your fitness.
Handstand push-ups begin at shoulder stand, not headstand – use parallettes. On “L” pull-ups heels don’t fall below butt and legs remain straight. Chop up sets only where forced to. Post time to comments.