A simple power-lifting exercise, the Bench Press, is excellent for improving chest muscle. However, CrossFit appears to prefer overhead rather than bench pressing, most likely due to the transition of overhead work to Olympic Lifting, but perhaps also due to the risk for having weak balance and rigid shoulders to perform too much bench work. Given the high degree of versatility needed in CrossFit skills such as Olympic Lifting and gymnastics, this may be counter-productive. But just make sure you combine some Bench work with a lot of back chain work.
Jump rope, double under for two minutes.
(Double under is where the rope passes under the legs twice for each jump)
Lunge forty steps, twenty each leg, alternating right and left.
Bench-press body weight for max reps.
Lunge twenty steps, ten each leg, alternating right and left leg with dumbbells totaling 1/3 your weight.
Bench-press body weight for max reps.
Lunge 10 steps, five each leg, alternating right and left leg with dumbbells totaling ½ your weight.
Bench-press body weight for max reps.
Jump rope, double under for two minutes.
These are walking lunges, not the ineffective ones!
Submit time and bench press reps for ranking.
We are due for a little circuit work. Circuit training is an excellent test
of your overall fitness. At CrossFit intensities it becomes debilitating.
We use it sparingly and go all out! This is "combat" or "getting out of
the burning building" fitness.
Decide loads and assistance (if absolutely necessary to get ALL reps)
before starting. Be smart, shelve your ego and shoot for rapid completion
with NO rest. Submit record of total time, weights for each lift, and
assistance (if needed on pull-ups and dips). Set up recording sheet
ahead of time. Rip!!
Bike for 3 miles
Twenty ball-squats (20 lb. Med ball)
Twenty push-ups
Twenty pull-ups
Row 500 meters
Box step up (20") with dumbbells, 25 right , 25 left
Bench-press 15 reps
Rope climb
After a warm-up make your first effort a heroic effort on the bike
and record the distance. Take any rest needed and give the best
dumbbell bench-press you can at fifteen reps or less. Again, rest
as long as you want then repeat both efforts. Use the same
weight for each bench press set.
If the first cycling and bench-press effort are true max efforts, then
the second and third efforts are not repeatable no matter how long the rest.
To test the quality of the first efforts and demonstrate the point of the
workout take a LONG break after each couplet.
Keep the rest between cycle effort and bench-press constant for each couplet.