Thursday 021205
Rope Climb & Handstand:
Six ascents
Twenty minutes of handstand practice.Squat 4 sets, 10,8,6,4 reps
Row 2000 meters
Benchmark, Memorial, Hero WODS | Crossfit Wods At Home
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Thursday 021205
Rope Climb & Handstand:
Six ascents
Twenty minutes of handstand practice.Squat 4 sets, 10,8,6,4 reps
Row 2000 meters
Thursday 021128
Four rounds for time of:
Rope climb
25 Push-upsThen,
Squat 15-5-3 reps
Row 1000 meters
Friday 021122
1) "Warm Up": Bike 20 minutes at a warm-up pace.
We are doing three sets of back squats at twenty-one reps each.
Choose a weight that you feel you can handle comfortably for
twenty-one reps of regular back squats. These specialized
movements are tough! Make damned sure you warm-up thoroughly
with "air squats" and stretching first.
2) "Power squat": Lower and rise as quickly as you can while
maintaining PERFECT form. Repeat 20 times.
3) "Bottom to bottom": Lower to full squat position
(thighs parallel to floor), hold for a full ten seconds,
rise and immediately upon full extension of hip and leg return
to bottom and hold for ten seconds. Repeat 20 times.
4) "Super slow": Take twenty seconds to reach bottom and
twenty seconds to reach top again. Repeat 20 times.
5) Finally, how long can you maintain a 2:00 min. 500-meter pace average?
Set the rower for "Avg 500 meter pace" and stop and record the time at
the instant you fall under the 2:00 minute average
(2:00 for men and 2:10 for women).
Saturday 021123
30 Ab-bench at max weight
(or other sit-up that ranges from trunk extension through to flexion)
25 Back extension
50 SquatsSix sets of pull-ups
(max effort, record the total, take as much time as needed between sets)
Six sets of dips
(max effort, record the total, take as much time as needed between sets)OR, if you have a muscle-up,
Ten sets of muscle-ups
(max effort, take as much time as needed, record the time to complete all ten)
One rope climb with no legs or five with legs.
Twenty handstand push-ups by any means. Have spotter pull you up by ankles if needed.Practice lowering from handstand to planche
(body parallel to floor, arms locked)
Have spotter support your ankles and lower you to parallel.
Hold at parallel, with spotter minimally helping, for five full seconds.
Repeat for ten attempts. Do on padded mat, crash pad, or other padded surface!!30 Ab-bench at max weight
(or other sit-up that ranges from trunk extension through to flexion)
25 Back extension
50 SquatsThis is a really tough day. Don't hold back.
Tomorrow is met-con only, so you will be able to rest your arms, back, and shoulders.
You are getting a small taste of the demands of a gymnast's workout.
Friday 021115
Five rounds for time of:
25 Squats
10 Pull Ups
10 Dips
Saturday 021116
Bike 20 minutes at a warm-up pace.
21 "Power squat":
Lower and rise as quickly as you can while maintaining PERFECT form.
21 "Bottom to bottom squat":
Lower to full squat position (thighs parallel to floor), hold for a full ten seconds, rise and immediately upon full extension of hip and leg return to bottom and hold for ten seconds.
21 "Super slow squat":
Take twenty seconds to reach bottom and twenty seconds to reach top again.How long can you maintain a 2:00 min. 500-meter pace average?
Set the rower for "Avg 500 meter pace" and stop and record the
time at the instant you fall under the 2:00 minute average
(2:00 for men and 2:10 for women).
Tuesday 021112
Snatch 1-1-1-1-1 reps
RestThree rounds for time of:
20 Push-ups
10 Squat cleansGlute Ham developer Medicine Ball Throw Sit-up: 2 minutes
Sunday 021103
Two rounds for time of:
Tabata Squat
Handstand walk, 4 minutesNote: If you can't walk on your hands hold a handstand
for as much of the 4 minutes as possible.
Wednesday 021030
Complete tabata intervals of:
Glute-ham developer sit ups
Push press
1. The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by
10 seconds of rest, repeated 8 times.
2. Take any break you need between exercises.
3. Total the weakest intervals from each of the 5 exercises for score.
4. On the rower, measure the intervals by calories, not meters.
Friday 021018
Set-up the rower for intervals of twenty seconds work and ten seconds rest.
Set the rower to display meters in the lower window. Go all out on the first effort.
On subsequent efforts work to capture as many meters as in the first effort.
In the same interval pattern, 20on/10off X 8,
Sit-upsIf you transition from one exercise to the next in ten seconds,
this is a twenty-minute workout. For all but the best athletes
this will be all but impossible.Transition from one exercise to the next as quickly as you can.
One-minute maximum transition break! No ranking will be
considered for total time that exceeds twenty-four minutes.Ranking is based on least number of meters in each of eight
rowing intervals, and least reps in each of eight intervals for
each of the other four exercises.