Bench-press 5-3-1 reps, heroic efforts!
Lunge 50 alternating steps with dumbbells @ 1/4, 1/3, OR 1/2 your bodyweight
Push-press 5-3-1 reps, heroic efforts!
Glute-ham raise, three sets, 15-12-9, hold a plate if you are able. Your pick.
Row 1000 meters @ a 2:00/500 meter pace or greater
Sumo deadlift/high pull (1/2, 1/3, or 1/1 body weight) X 21 reps
Row 500 meters @ a 1:45/500 meter pace or greater
Powerclean (from ground) same load as Sumo dead/highs X 21 reps
Row 250 meters @ a 1:30/500 meter pace or greater
Front Squat, same load as Sumo dead/highs on 10" box X 21 reps
Bike two minutes
Muscle-snatch 10 reps
(muscle snatch is snatch with no drop under, pull to overhead lockout)
Rope climb
Bike two minutes
Rope climb
Muscle-snatch 10 reps
Bike two minutes
Bike two minutes
Muscle-snatch 10 reps
(muscle snatch is snatch with no drop under, pull to overhead lockout)
Rope climb
Bike two minutes
Rope climb
Muscle-snatch 10 reps
Bike two minutes
Jump 50 times on 20" box for time
Hang from bar and raise toes to bar SLOWLY 20 reps
Dumbbell thruster 15 reps off 10" box
Bench Press 15 reps
Bench Press 15 reps
Dumbbell thruster 15 reps off 10" box
Hang from bar and raise toes to bar SLOWLY 20 reps
Jump 50 times on 20" box for time
Complete as many rounds in 15 minutes as you can of:
Two handstand push-ups.
Jump rope "Double-Unders"; 1 minute
Run 400 meters
1. If you can't do a handstand push-up, struggle for
thirty seconds and hold handstand for 60 seconds
each pass
2. If your technique sucks just jump furiously
for one minute