1. Row a moderate paced 500 and then attempt that pace for the 1K and 2K efforts.
2. Use 1/4, 1/3, or 1/2 your body weight for the lunges depending on your fitness.
3. No resting, none.
Tabata Squat
Rest 2 minutes.
Push-press 1/3 bodyweight 50 reps.
Rest 2 minutes.
Perform Tabata total from earlier, in one set, in less than 4 minutes.
Rest 2 minutes.
Two minutes push press with 1/3 bodyweight (max reps within two minutes).
Back Squat, Tabata Intervals, 10" Box
Dips, max set
Back Squat, total from Tabata effort, 10" Box, single set
Dips, max set
1.Perform the Tabata Squats with 45 to 95 lbs, work for twelve reps at each of the eight intervals.
2.On the second set of Squats perform in a single set the total (96, hopefully)
performed in all eight Tabata Intervals.
3. Rest no more than two minutes after both Squat efforts.
4. Anyone ready for "L" Dips? Whose got 30?
Run 800 meters
Deadlift 15-12-9-6-3-1 reps, max load @ each set
Run 800 meters
1. Rest only one minute between first 400 meters and Deadlift.
2. Rest one minute between sets.
3. Start second 400 meters one minute after last Deadlift set.
4. Max efforts on runs and lifts!
5. Submit run times, lift loads, and body weight.
Three rounds for time of:
15 Knees to Elbows
5 Muscle-ups
15 Knees to Elbows
If you can't muscle-up substitute 25 pull-ups and 25 dips at each round,
and.... get themuscle-up soon. Power through this workout, but don't
cheat the movements.
20 inch Box Jump, 25 reps, in sixty seconds
Powerclean, 15 reps
Rest 1 minute
No rest during jumps or powercleans.
Each round is about three minutes including rests.
Fit: 20" box and 50% bodyweight powerclean
Superfit: 26"; box and 75% bodyweight powerclean
CrossFit: 32" box and 100% bodyweight powerclean