Saturday 010915
15-12-9-6-3 reps of the couplet:
One arm barbell press, each arm
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Saturday 010915
15-12-9-6-3 reps of the couplet:
One arm barbell press, each arm
Friday 010914
Five rounds for time of:
20 inch Box jump, 25 reps
15 Hang cleansNotes:
1. Use as tall a box and as heavy a load as you can, e.g., how about 100% bodyweight and 30"?
2. No resting until finished.
Monday 010917
For time:
1000 meter Row
20 Clean and Jerk
1000 meter RowNotes:
1. Load for Clean and Jerk is not to exceed 100% of bodyweight.
2. Time entire effort.
3. Use push-jerk, not split-jerk.
4. Warm-up with Sit-up, Back/Hip extension, Squat, Pull-up, Push-up circuit. Go easy.
5. Heads-up! Wednesday and Friday will play on today's theme.
Tuesday 010918
Seven rounds for time of:
From a push-up position, lower your hand placement about a foot.
Press to a handstand while a friend deadlifts your ankles and presses
to overhead as you press to the handstand.
Ten Pull-ups
25 Sit up on Glute-Ham developer.
Monday 010910
Clean and Jerk, 10-5-3-10-5-3-10-5-3 reps
1. 30 seconds rest between sets.
2. The loads are light, moderate, and heavy.
3. Plan loads ahead of time so that you can transition quickly if you've but one bar to work with.
4. Use push jerk instead of split jerk. It's faster.
5. Breath.... deeply.
Tuesday 010911
Ten rounds for time of:
No cheating, super-clean technique.
5 Pull-ups
5 Push-ups
5 Squats (free-squat or "air squat")
5 Sit-ups (on Roman Chair/Glute-Ham Developer)
5 Back Extensions
Wednesday 010912
For time:
1000 meter Row
20 pound Wallball, 50 shots
50 Sit-ups
20 pound Wallball, 50 shots
50 Sit-ups
20 pound Wallball, 50 shots
50 Sit-ups
1000 meter RowNotes:
1. Wall-ball shot counts only if it starts from deep squat and hits wall 18 inches above reach.
2. Do sit-ups on Roman-Chair or Back Extension Apparatus.
3. Let us know if you can finish this in twenty minutes or less.
Thursday 010913
30 Walking Lunges; 1/2 your bodyweight
10 Muscle ups
30 Walking Lunges; 1/2 your bodyweight
10 Muscle upsNotes:
1. Make lunge steps as long as you possibly can. Trailing knee must "kiss" the ground on each step.
2. Have someone hold your feet and assist minimally for the muscle-up.
3. If you don't have rings you are missing out on an incomparable tool.
Saturday 010908
Two rounds of:
Run 800 meters.
25 Hip Extensions (Back extensions) on Glute-Ham Developer.
30 Hip Flexions (Sit-ups) on Glute-Ham Developer.
1-Arm Barbell Press 20 reps left and right arm.
Powerclean 1/2 bodyweight 20 reps.Notes:
1. 1-Arm Press derives it's impetus from a lateral "shove" of the hip and torso.
Do not lean back. Suggest empty bar for first timers.
2. Rest five minutes between rounds.
3. Ten minutes is a good time for each round.
Wednesday 010905
Deadlift, 20-18-16-14-12-10 reps
1. Use the same load for each set.
2. Rest 30 seconds between sets.
3. Focus on keeping the stomach "sucked in" throughout the movement.
4. Be brave, and go as heavy as the rep scheme will allow.