Five sets of the triple,
Back extension
Bench-press 5-10RM
Move methodically, deliberately, with precise SLOW movement.
Don't hurry; minimize the cardiovascular quality.
This is strength training only! Make each effort a serious challenge.
Set-up the rower for intervals of twenty seconds work and ten seconds rest.
Set the rower to display meters in the lower window. Go all out on the first effort.
On subsequent efforts work to capture as many meters as in the first effort.
In the same interval pattern, 20on/10off X 8,
If you transition from one exercise to the next in ten seconds,
this is a twenty-minute workout. For all but the best athletes
this will be all but impossible.
Transition from one exercise to the next as quickly as you can.
One-minute maximum transition break! No ranking will be
considered for total time that exceeds twenty-four minutes.
Ranking is based on least number of meters in each of eight
rowing intervals, and least reps in each of eight intervals for
each of the other four exercises.
Three rounds for time of:
Dips, max reps
Walking lunges, 20 steps
1/3 Body weight Push-press, max reps
Walking lunges, 20 steps
Hanstand Push-ups, max reps
Walking lunges, 20 steps
Jump rope for two minutes rest for one minute.
Can you continue this for thirty minutes?
This is just twenty minutes of cardiovascular exercise.
Go for it!!
If you have considerable jump rope experience,
"double under" for two minutes rest for one.
Anyone who can keep this up for thirty minutes is an extraordinary athlete.