Five rounds for time of:
Incline dumbell bench press, 5 reps
Rope climb
Max load on bench press at each pass.
Climb the rope without using your legs on the rope.
If you can, it's time to do it right.
Take as much time between rounds
as required to max bench load.
For time:
Back Squat, 20 reps
Rest 5 minutes
800 meter run
Rest 5 minutes
Tabata Squat (20 seconds on/10 seconds off X 8)
Rest 5 minutes
800 meter run
Rest 5 minutes
Overhead Squat, 20 reps
1 minute each of:
Glute ham developer Medicine Ball Throw Sit-up
Kettlebell swings
Three-Five rounds for time of:
10 Front Squat
Rope climb "Double Up"
1 minute each of:
Glute ham developer Medicine Ball Throw Sit-up
Kettlebell swings
For time:
50 Sit-ups.
Standing two minute sprint on stationary bike.
1/3 body weight Push-press, 21 reps.
Standing two minute sprint on stationary bike.
1/3 body weight Push-press, 15 reps.
Standing two minute sprint on staionary bike.
1/3 body weight Push-press, 9 reps.
50 Sit-ups
Front Squat-Push Jerk, 65 lbs. X 3 reps,
Front Squat-Push Jerk
125X3, etc.
Women and children can start with 45 lbs. and add ten each set.
Give yourself one point for each set successfully completed with 3 reps.
End with three more reps at the last weight completed with three reps and
work your way back down with two more reps (3,5,7,9...) with each
reduction in weight all the way back to 65 pounds.