Sunday 030525
Clean & Jerk 15-12-9 reps.
Pick load for Clean & Jerk and keep it for all three sets.
Divide C&J weight in pounds by number of seconds to completion for final score.
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Displaying {results_count} results of {results_count_total}
Sunday 030525
Clean & Jerk 15-12-9 reps.
Pick load for Clean & Jerk and keep it for all three sets.
Divide C&J weight in pounds by number of seconds to completion for final score.
Tuesday 030527
Clean and Jerk 15-12-9 reps
Pick load for all three sets and keep it.
Rest as needed between efforts.
Thursday 030529
Complete 7 rounds for time:
Wall-ball 30 shots
Rope Climb “double-up”Wall-ball target center needs to be nine feet high and two feet long.
Rope climb “double-up” is ascending, descending, and ascending with only a toe touch between descents.
Wednesday 030521
Complete 5 rounds:
Run 400 meters
Clean 15 reps
20 Push-upsPick load for cleans and keep if for all five rounds.
Divide clean weight by number of seconds to completion for total score.
Thursday 030522
Complete 5 rounds of:
Row 500 meters
35 Sit-upsSubmit time for all 5 rounds to comments.
Friday 030523
Complete 7 rounds of:
Barbell Thrusters 3 reps
5 Pull-upsPick weight for thrusters and keep it for all seven rounds.
Divide thruster weight by number of seconds to completion for total score
Sunday 030518
For time:
30 Muscle-ups
Use spotter for manual assistance only when needed.
Monday 030519
Shoulder press 65 pounds 90 seconds for reps.
Tabata Squats – “bottom to bottom”
Shoulder press 65 pounds 90 seconds for reps.“Bottom to bottom” squats start at the bottom and end at the bottom with but an instantaneous stop at the top. Rest is at the bottom!
Shoulder press as many of the reps as possible and then push-press the remaining. Return the score as S/P, “S” being the number of reps shoulder pressed and “P” being the number of reps push-pressed.
Thursday 030515
Five rounds of:
Clean 105X21
15 Handstand Push-upsSubmit time to comments. Use manual assistance/spotting for handstand push-up where needed.
This workout is perfectly suited for team workouts especially for those at less than advanced fitness levels.
In this photo Dave Leyes (L) and Greg Amundson (R) are assisting Scott McPeak with his handstand push-ups by a gentle tug up on the traps.