Push-press, 15-10-5-3-3-3 reps.
Push-press, two minutes.
1. Start very light, work to heavy. Fifteen rep set and ten rep set are warm-ups.
2. With each set increase rest between sets as load increases and reps decrease.
3. Final effort is with plateless bar. Looking for max heart rate. Don't stop.
Ten minute warm-up (bike, run, row, etc.).
25 Sit ups
25 Back Extension
25 Sit-ups
completes warm-up.
Deadlift 15-10-5-3-3-3 reps.
Deadlift two minutes without rest.
1. Fifteen and ten rep sets are light warm-up sets.
Keep light to max subsequent triples.
2. With each set increase rest. On last three sets,
rest as needed for max triples.
3. After last triple, rest as needed to max load on
two minute set.
Run 800 meters
Glute Ham developer Bench Press, 15-15-15-15-15 reps
Run 800 meters
1. Be very careful, you may break in two if you attempt too big a load.
2. Use light dumbbells if O'bar is too heavy.
3. Don't rush the movement.
4. Start Bench press after recovering somewhat from the first run.
5. Start second run immediately after Bench press.
Two rounds of:
Run 800 meters.
25 Hip Extensions (Back extensions) on Glute-Ham Developer.
30 Hip Flexions (Sit-ups) on Glute-Ham Developer.
1-Arm Barbell Press 20 reps left and right arm.
Powerclean 1/2 bodyweight 20 reps.
1. 1-Arm Press derives it's impetus from a lateral "shove" of the hip and torso.
Do not lean back. Suggest empty bar for first timers.
2. Rest five minutes between rounds.
3. Ten minutes is a good time for each round.
Two minute standing sprint on the bike.
Five minutes of ab work.
Two minute standing sprint on the bike.
Five minutes of ab work.
Two minute standing sprint on the bike.
Five minutes of ab work.
1. Go ALL out on the sprints.
2. Be creative with the ab work. (Borrow from Today's Link)
Pick a different exercise for each of the three efforts and see how
hard you can work for five minutes.
3. No hurry between efforts. Give quality sprints and quality ab work.
On the rower how long can you keep your average 500-meter pace at 2:00 or below?
1) Turn the rower on and scroll until average 500-meter pace is showing in bottom window.
2) Take a minute or so to drive the average under 2:00 and stay down there as long as you can.
3) Note the time at which you show 2:01 or higher.
4) Twenty minutes is good. Thirty is great.
5) If you absolutely can't get your hands on a C2 Rower, run, bike, or swim for 20 hard minutes.
6) If you fail in less than 8 minutes do two attempts.