Run 1,600 meters
Rest 3 minutes
Run 1,200 meters
Rest 2 minutes
Run 800 meters
Rest 1 minute
Run 400 meters
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Today we have four run efforts, each for time. Experienced athletes should consider their mile PR time and shoot to pace that first mile run at about 80% effort. Increase your pace slightly for each remaining distance. Deconditioned athletes should reduce the overall volume.
Beginner Option:
For time:
Jog 1,200 meters
Rest 3 minutes
Jog 800 meters
Rest 2 minute
Jog 400 meters
Deconditioned athletes may need to jog or walk and shoot to complete each effort in 4 minutes or less. Be sure to warm up prior to starting, as this distance will be a sprint for intermediate and advanced athletes.
Beginner Option:
3 rounds for time:
Jog 400 meters
Rest 3 min.
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Pause Snatch Pull (pause at the top of the “finish”) + Power Snatch + Panda Pull + Snatch:
(1+1+1+1) x 2 sets @ 60% 1RM Snatch (1+1+1+1) x 2 sets @ 65% 1RM Snatch *Rest 2 minutes between sets *
2x3 reps @ 70% 2x2 reps @ 75% 2x1 rep @ 80%. * Rest 60-90 seconds between sets
Snatch Deadlift + High Hang Shrug:
(3+5)x 3 sets @ 90% 1RM Snatch * Rest 60-90 seconds between sets
In The Hole Front Squat:
5x3 (Build in weight) Perform 5 Tall Box Jump in between front squat sets. * rest 60-90 seconds between sets *
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3 power cleans
60-yard shuttle sprint (5-10-15 yards)
♀ 155 lb. ♂ 225 lb.
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This couplet should be heavy and fast. Choose a weight that is heavy, yet allows you to complete 3 touch-and-go reps or quick singles. Push the sprints. Don’t jog.
Intermediate Option:
5 rounds for time of:
3 power cleans
60-yard shuttle sprint (5-10-15 yards)
♀ 125 lb. ♂ 185 lb.
Beginner Option:
5 rounds for time of:
3 power cleans
60-yard shuttle sprint (5-10-15 yards)
12 Min AMRAP
200m Run
10 Strict Pull-Up
-Rest 2 Min-
12 Min AMRAP
200m Run
20 Push-Up
-Rest 2 Min-
12 Min AMRAP
200m Run
30 Air Squat
*2 options:
#1 at bodyweight
#2 with 20lb/14lb Vest.
1 deadlift
50-m run
2 deadlifts
100-m run
3 deadlifts
150-m run
4 deadlifts
200-m run
♀ 185 lb. ♂ 275 lb.
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Choose a load that is challenging but that you can complete unbroken for the first few rounds. As the reps and distances increase, plan on smaller sets with short breaks to maintain intensity for as long as possible.
Intermediate Option:
In 15 minutes, complete as much as possible of:
1 deadlift
50-m run
2 deadlifts
100-m run
3 deadlifts
150-m run
4 deadlifts
200-m run
♀ 125 lb. ♂ 185 lb.
Beginner Option:
In 10 minutes, complete as much as possible of:
1 deadlift
50-m run
2 deadlifts
100-m run
3 deadlifts
150-m run
4 deadlifts
200-m run
♀ 75 lb. ♂ 115 lb.