As much as rowing seems like an exercise in the arm, most of the strength for each stroke really comes from the leg push. It's also important to note that it's not just how many strokes a minute you can do, but about the quality of each stroke and how much space you can create for each stroke.
1 minute of rowing
Rest 15 seconds
30 seconds of ring dips
Rest 15 seconds
Post total calories rowed and dips completed to comments.
Compare to 140425.
Intermediate athletes can do these intervals as prescribed, while newer athletes will want to modify the ring dip and potentially decrease the number of rounds.
Beginner Option:
7 rounds of:
1 minute of rowing
Rest 15 seconds
30 seconds of assisted push-ups
Rest 15 seconds
Choose one of the following from the CrossFit Games Quarterfinals.
Quarterfinal Test 3
For time:
120 wall-ball shots
120-cal. row
♀ 14-lb. ball to 9 ft.
♂ 20-lb. ball to 10 ft.
Quarterfinal Test 4
For max load:
4-rep-max front squat
Post time and load to comments.
Newer athletes should reduce the reps and load on Test 3, while intermediate athletes may take it on as prescribed. Most athletes can attempt a 4-rep-max front squat if choosing Test 4.
Experienced athletes should try for a PR in this benchmark distance row. Newer athletes should reduce the distance to complete the row in around 25 minutes.
5x10 Back Squat @60%
For Time:
30/24 Calorie Assault Bike
20 Burpee Box Jump Overs (30/24) *
10 Sandbag Cleans (150/100)
* Athletes can use hands for BBJO *
Choose modifications that allow you to complete each exercise with little rest. There is a high volume of each movement. Scale back each portion so you can keep moving, even as fatigue sets in.
With a partner, complete as many rounds as possible in 21 minutes of:
30-cal. row
20 burpees over the rower
10 power cleans
♀ 105 lb. ♂ 155 lb.
CrossFit VICE has set up a fundraiser to create a scholarship for Laura’s two sons.
Post rounds completed to comments.
This workout should be performed with a partner. If you’re unable to share the work with a friend or family member, cut the reps in half and rest for about the same amount of time you spend working. Newer athletes can stick to regular burpees and reduce the load on the cleans. Intermediate athletes can perform this workout as prescribed.
Beginner Option:
With a partner, complete as many rounds as possible in 21 minutes of:
30-cal. row
20 burpees
10 power cleans
Max set of toes-to-bars
Max set of ring dips
Broad jump for distance
Row 2,000 meters for time
Rest as needed between exercises.
Post reps, distance, or time for each to comments.
Compare to 170214.
This workout includes 3 max-effort gymnastics attempts followed by a benchmark row test. For the gymnastics attempts, choose modifications of the toes-to-bar and ring dips that will allow you to complete 10+ reps for each set. Most athletes will be able to perform the broad jumps.
Intermediate Option:
Can be completed as Rx’d
Beginner Option:
Make 3 attempts at each of the following:
Max set of hanging knee raises
Max set of push-ups
Broad jump for distance
Row 2,000 meters for time
This workout, created by Scott Meenagh, Martin Bell’s training partner, is meant to be performed in pairs. If completing it alone, cut all the reps in half. This year, Meenagh and CrossFit Airdrie have also created a version for those at home in lockdown, and they are encouraging athletes to partner up virtually. Examples of the Rx’d and home versions can be found here and here.
Limited Equipment Option:
For time, with a partner:
200 lateral jumps over a dumbbell
100 burpee snatches
50 dumbbell thrusters
100 lateral jumps over a dumbbell
100 hand-release push-ups
50 pull-ups
50 lateral jumps over a dumbbell
100 sit-ups
100 wall-ball get-ups