Bench press 10-8-6-4-2 reps.
Total weight for all five sets and submit with body weight.
Rest as needed before,
How many passes of this circuit can you make in 20 minutes?
Count each element (Box jump, Muscle-up, Leg raise) as a single point,
so that, for instance, four complete circuits and once more 20 box jumps
and one more muscle-up would be 14 points. If you still can't do the
muscle-up substitute twenty assisted pull-up and dips.
Box Jump 20" X 20 jumps
Hanging leg raise, toes to bar X10
Five rounds for time of:
25 Squats
10 Pull-ups
10 Dips
Submit time and level of assistance for pull-ups and dips.
If assisted, keep assistance at same level throughout workout.
Total time and assistance amount is excellent indicator of your overall fitness.
Rush through!
5 Sets of pull-ups. Fast-slow-fast-slow-fast.
The fast ones are fast and sloppy; the slow ones are excruciatingly perfect.
This is, of course, high rep and low rep, alternating.
The following circuit contains three elements and is a powerful whole body workout.
Each element is 45 seconds with a fifteen second rotation
(not one second more or you start over).
Make five rotations. That's exactly fifteen minutes.
If you don't know the elements you haven't been paying attention.
(It's partly our fault; we're working on a page of descriptions and illustrations.)
Email us for details if you can't find them off of the archived routines and links.
"Wall Ball"
Hollow Rock
Romanian Deadlift/Upright Row combo movement
Time five muscle-ups and 50 box jumps on 20" plyo box.
Stretch/rest 20 minutes.
Time five muscle-ups and 50 box jumps on 20" plyo box.
We're interested in both times and decay rate from first to second effort.
If you can't do muscle-ups, substitute fifteen pull-ups and twenty dips for each muscle-up.
If you can't do pull-ups and dips use assistance device (Cybex, Gravitron, etc.)
If you mix muscle-ups and pull-ups/dips report numbers of each with time.
Repeat this circuit three times with no rest. Push hard; make each set a worthy effort.
Use your judgement on the reps. Great athletes will make each set a challenge and
execute the movements with great control and technique.
Max heart rates are readily available here. For you fighters, this is a fight.
Bike a fast mile
Back extension
Max set of pull-ups
Bench press @ body weight
Upright row @ 1/3 body weight
Bike hard for ten minutes. (Record distance)
Rest three minutes
One set of pull-ups followed immediately by bench press at body weight.
Rest one minute
Second set of pull-ups followed immediately by bench press at body weight.
Rest one minute
Third set of pull-ups followed immediately by bench press at body weight.
Rest two minutes
"Wall Ball" drill for two minutes, attempt 50 throws
Rest only as long as it takes to complete 50 sit-ups, slow and controlled.
Back extension/glute-ham raise 15 reps followed immediately by
50 sit-ups
Without rest, repeat back ext./glute-ham raise and sit-ups.
This is a hard workout. Try to complete it in less than 40 minutes
Three rounds of:
25 Sit-ups
12 Back extension/glute-ham raises
Three rounds of:
Max set of pull-ups
Max set of push-ups
Walking lunge twenty steps each right and left leg
Warm-up EZ sit-up, back ext., pull-up, push-up, air squat and stretch
21 Rep push-press followed immediately by max set of pull-ups.
Rest as needed; you don't need more than three minutes
Repeat for total of five combined sets.
Warm-up with five minutes of cardio, a single set each of sit-up,
back extension, air squat, pull-up, push-up, and finally stretch.
(This is the default CrossFit warm-up. Remember it, please.)
Complete your warm-up with each of the following using comfortable loads.
Deadlift, 1 set, 10 reps
Power Clean, 1 set, 10 reps
Front Squat, 1 set, 10 reps
Push Press, 1 set, 10 reps
Go heavy:
Clean and Jerk, 5 sets, 5,3,2,1,1 reps
Snatch, 5 sets, 5,3,2,1,1 reps