Three rounds for time of:
Jump-rope for two minutes
Bench-press, body weight
Rest 1 minute
Our best will:
Double under without fouling for two minutes on the jump-rope.
Twenty five pull-ups, then twenty, then fifteen.
Twenty five, then twenty, then fifteen on the bench press.
Hang from bar and touch knees to elbows, 15-12 and 9 reps.
20 Dips
Run 400 meters, max effort.
With no rest between deadlift and pull-ups with only 60 seconds rest between superset:
Deadlift 15 reps (body weight)/Pull-ups 15 reps
Deadlift 12 reps (body weight)/Pull-ups 12 reps
Deadlift 9 reps (body weight)/Pull-ups 9 reps
Run 400 meters, max effort.
20 Dips
Hang form bar and touch knees to elbows, 15-12 and 9 reps.
Three rounds for time of:
20 Walking Lunges; with dumbbells 1/4 your body weight, alternating legs.
20 Push-ups, as few sets as possible.
20 Pull-ups, as few sets as possible.
20 Pike-ups (On back, arms overhead, flex at hip only until toes and fingers
meet above hips joint. No trunk flexion).
Bike two minutes
Muscle-snatch 10 reps
(muscle snatch is snatch with no drop under, pull to overhead lockout)
Rope climb
Bike two minutes
Rope climb
Muscle-snatch 10 reps
Bike two minutes
Bike two minutes
Muscle-snatch 10 reps
(muscle snatch is snatch with no drop under, pull to overhead lockout)
Rope climb
Bike two minutes
Rope climb
Muscle-snatch 10 reps
Bike two minutes
Wall-Ball for 30 seconds, 60 seconds, 90 seconds, and 120 seconds.
All throws two feet above reach!
Beat 20 throws in 30s, 30 in 60s, 40 in 90s, and 50 in 120s And....
Rest only as long as last effort....
30seconds on, 30 seconds off, 60 seconds on, 60 seconds off,
90 seconds on, 90 seconds off, 120 seconds on, done.
Total exercise 8 minutes. 20 lb medicine ball, and full squat for each throw.
Submit total throws for all efforts and bodyweight.
Roll through this circuit as many times as you can in 20 minutes.
Each station is one point. Submit number.
Rope climb, 2 trips
Lunge ten steps each leg, alternating
Clean & Jerk, 50% bodyweight X 10 reps
If you can't rope climb, do 15 pull-up, or twenty five assisted at minimal assistance.
Bike two minutes all out, three times with five minute break between efforts.
Record and submit distance for each effort.
How many rotations can you do within 15 minutes? One point each station.
Back extension 15 reps with 25 lb. plate
Deadlift/High-pull X 10 reps 50% body weight
If you can't do a muscle-up, do 15 pull-ups and 15 dips instead.