Sunday 030216
Complete as many rounds in 30 minutes as you can of:
10 Pull-ups
115 pound Pushpress, 10 reps
1000 meter Row
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Sunday 030216
Complete as many rounds in 30 minutes as you can of:
10 Pull-ups
115 pound Pushpress, 10 reps
1000 meter Row
Friday 030131
Complete as many rounds in 30 minutes as you can of:
1 mile Bike
10 Pull-ups
135 pound Bench Press, 15 reps
Monday 030127
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
Body weight deadlift, 10 reps
10 Pull-ups
800 meter Run
Friday 030117
For time:
500 meter Row
Deadlift, 15 reps
Max set of pull-ups
Deadlift, 15 reps
Max set of pull-ups
Deadlift, 15 reps
Max set of pull-ups
500 meter RowChoose a weight on the deadlift, which you can complete 15 reps but not 16.
Saturday 030118
Complete a full Tabata interval of:
Sit-upYou get a minute rest between each exercise.
Sunday 030119
Repeat this circuit three times with no rest. Push hard;
make each set a worthy effort. Use your judgement
on the reps. Great athletes will make each set a challenge
and execute the movements with great control and technique.Max heart rates are readily available here. For you fighters, this is a fight.
Bike a fast mile
Back extension
Max set of pull-ups
Bench press @ body weight
Upright row @ 1/3 body weight
Saturday 030111
For time:
1000 meter Row
7 Muscle-ups
Body weight clean and jerk, 15 repsNotes:
Notice the variation on this theme through the week. If you can't do the muscle-up yet, do 50 pull-ups and 50 dips. Record time for comparisons T-W-Th-F-Sa. O.K., So you can't C&J your bodyweight; use 50 or 75%.
Wednesday 030115
Stretch: back, hips legs, chest, shoulders.
Complete a max set of:
Back extension
Knees to elbow
2000 meter RowStretch: back, hips, legs, chest, shoulders.
See how tough you can make this workout.
This is a high intensity training session.
We're just doing one set of each exercise
make it a killer! Each set should be a max effort.
No resting during set.
Rest as needed between exercises.
Friday 030110
For time:
Max set of pull-ups
800 meter Run
Max set of pull-ups
400 meter Run
Max set of pull-ups
200 meter Run
Thurday 030102
Three round for time of:
1 minute Hollow rock
1 minute Arch rock
10 One legged squats, left leg
10 One legged squats, right legHollow Rock: Lie on your back,
place your arms overhead, and
rock smoothly back and forth
like a rocking chair.Arch Rock: Lie on your stomach,
place your arms overhead, lift your heels
with straight legs, and rock smoothly
back and forth like a rocking chair.One legged squat assistance: Hold your jump rope
strung over your pull-up bar for balance and
assistance if you've not developed the fitness
for this yet.