Muscle snatch 15-12-9 reps
with same load and 1 minute between sets.
Five supersets of back extension and sit-ups.
Make each exercise slow and tough.
Add weight to back extension if ready. Go SLOWLY!
Muscle snatch 15-12-9 reps
with same load and 1 minute between sets.
The muscle snatch is a snatch without the dive under the bar.
The idea is to deadlift and as you pass the knees, rapidly explode
the hip and follow through with an explosive pull straight through
to locked out overhead. This snatch is a regular support exercise
from the Olympic lifting repertoire. It places a heavy emphasis on
the upper body compared to the Snatch.
Time five muscle-ups and 50 box jumps on 20" plyo box.
Stretch/rest 20 minutes.
Time five muscle-ups and 50 box jumps on 20" plyo box.
We're interested in both times and decay rate from first to second effort.
If you can't do muscle-ups, substitute fifteen pull-ups and twenty dips for each muscle-up.
If you can't do pull-ups and dips use assistance device (Cybex, Gravitron, etc.)
If you mix muscle-ups and pull-ups/dips report numbers of each with time.
Bike hard for ten minutes. (Record distance)
Rest three minutes
One set of pull-ups followed immediately by bench press at body weight.
Rest one minute
Second set of pull-ups followed immediately by bench press at body weight.
Rest one minute
Third set of pull-ups followed immediately by bench press at body weight.
Rest two minutes
"Wall Ball" drill for two minutes, attempt 50 throws
Rest only as long as it takes to complete 50 sit-ups, slow and controlled.
Back extension/glute-ham raise 15 reps followed immediately by
50 sit-ups
Without rest, repeat back ext./glute-ham raise and sit-ups.
This is a hard workout. Try to complete it in less than 40 minutes
Back extension 15-15-15 slow and pretty. Snake or wave up.
Dumbbell "thruster" from 10" box 20-15-10 max weight each set.
No "rocking up" or "plunking down"
1000 meter row.
(Thruster is a front-squat/push-press combo movement.)
Rope Climb & Handstand, six ascents and twenty minutes of handstand practice.
Squat 4 sets, 10,8,6,4 reps
Row 2000 meters
Jump rope, double under for two minutes.
(Double under is where the rope passes under the legs twice for each jump)
Lunge forty steps, twenty each leg, alternating right and left.
Bench-press body weight for max reps.
Lunge twenty steps, ten each leg, alternating right and left leg with dumbbells totaling 1/3 your weight.
Bench-press body weight for max reps.
Lunge 10 steps, five each leg, alternating right and left leg with dumbbells totaling ½ your weight.
Bench-press body weight for max reps.
For time:
Jump rope "Double under"; 90 seconds
8 Clean and Jerks; 1/2 body weight
6 Clean and Jerks; 3/4 body weight
4 Clean and Jerks; body weight
(no resting weight on ground)
Jump rope "Double under"; 90 seconds
Three rounds of:
25 Sit-ups
12 Back extension/glute-ham raises
Three rounds of:
Max set of pull-ups
Max set of push-ups
Walking lunge twenty steps each right and left leg
Swim 400 meters three times
Handstand & Pull-up, do as many pull-ups as the number of minutes
it takes you to do twenty handstand push-ups
Deadlift 5 sets all at three reps
Bike 20 sec's on 10 sec's off 8 times