Tuesday 010731
Three rounds for time of:
Box Jump, 50 reps
Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 15 reps, .
Rest two minutes.Notes
1. Use max load on deadlift
2. Come to full extension on box before jumping or stepping down
3. Use 30" box if able
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Results for {phrase} ({results_count} of {results_count_total})
Displaying {results_count} results of {results_count_total}
Tuesday 010731
Three rounds for time of:
Box Jump, 50 reps
Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 15 reps, .
Rest two minutes.Notes
1. Use max load on deadlift
2. Come to full extension on box before jumping or stepping down
3. Use 30" box if able
Wednesday 010801
30 Strict Push-ups
15 Back Extensions
25 Push-ups feet elevated 1 foot from floor.
12 Back Extensions
20 Push-ups feet raised 2 feet from floor
9 Back Extensions
15 Push-ups feet raised 3 feet from floor
6 Back Extensions
10 Push-ups feet raised 4 feet from floorNotes:
1. Strict push-ups allow for no sag in the body.
2. Don't swing the Glute-ham raise. Move slowly and deliberately.
Thursday 010802
For time:
Row 500 meters
Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 15 reps
Row 500 meters
Thruster, 15 reps
Row 500 meters
Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 15 reps
Row 500 meters
Thruster, 15 repsNotes:
1. Row 1:45 or less 500's.
2. Thruster and Sumo @ ½ your bodyweight.
3. Record time to completion.
Friday 010727
Complete as many reps in 20 minutes as you can of:
Back extension
"L" Pull-up
Saturday 010728
500 meter Row
20 Dumbbell Thrusters
20 Pull-ups
Rest as needed
Row 500 meters
10 Dumbbell Thruster
20 Pull-ups
Rest as needed
Row 500 meters
5 Dumbbell Thruster
20 Pull-upsNotes:
1. Can anyone row 1:30, 1:35, then 1:40 500's and "Thruster"
with 45, 60, then 90 pounds, while getting 20 reps each pull-up set?
2. Modify as needed to finish.
3. No rests other than where specified.
Monday 010730
20 pound Wall-ball, 50 shots
Bike for 1 mile
20 pound Wall-ball, 50 shots
Rest 3 minutes
Bike 1 mile
20 pound Wall-ball, 50 shots
Bike 1 mileNotes:
1. Count only those Wall-Ball shots that clear your reach by at
least a foot and start from a deep squat
2 Time both rounds. Which was quicker?
Wednesday 010725
For twenty minutes:
Bench Press
Rope ClimbNotes:
1. Use bodyweight for bench press.
2. Add total reps.
3. Add total feet of rope climbed.
Thursday 010726
Three rounds for time of:
12 Single arm snatches, alternate arms.
20 inch Box Jump, 25 reps
Rest 1 minuteNotes:
1. Warm-up shoulders substantially before snatches.
2. What percent of bodyweight can you use on snatch?
3. How about 32" box?
4. Rest only during 1 minute break between rounds.
Thursday 010719
Hang powerclean/push-press 21
Jump rope 2 minutes
Hang powerclean/push-press 15
Jump rope 2 minutes
Hang powerclean/push-press 9
Jump rope 2 minutesNotes:
1. Double under if able on jump rop
2. No rest from start to finish
3. Hang powerclean is from knees to racked position (shoulders)
Friday 010720
One Muscle-up per minute for as long as you can go!
Can anyone do one muscle-up per minute for twenty minutes?
How far can you get?Note:
1. A muscle-up is pulling yourself from below the rings to above and
dipping to full arm extension. It is an unrivaled move for developing
upper body strength.
It is much more difficult than any pull-up or dip and consequently a
move of much greater potential for strength development.
2. If you don't have rings, buy them!! Rings have no rival for upper
body strength development. If you are serious about your sport/fitness
you'll pick some up.
3. We've listed some vendors within the message board.
4. If you can't do a muscle up, see how many pull-ups and dips can
you do in an hour?