Monday 010709
Powerclean, 15 reps
Tabata Squat
Powerclean, 15 reps
Tabata SquatWhat is the minimum number of squats in any twenty second interval?
What percentage of your weight did you powerclean?
How long did the workout take?
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Monday 010709
Powerclean, 15 reps
Tabata Squat
Powerclean, 15 reps
Tabata SquatWhat is the minimum number of squats in any twenty second interval?
What percentage of your weight did you powerclean?
How long did the workout take?
Tuesday 010703
2 rounds of this circuit:
50 20" Box Jumps in 2 minutes
Lunge 2 minutes, record steps
Bike 2 minutes for distance
Squat 2 minutes, record reps
Rest 5 minutes
Thursday 010705
Complete the following in as few sets as possible, yet within thirty minutes.
50 Ring Dips
50 "L" Pull-upsIf you can't do the ring dips or L pull-ups, do regular pull-ups and bar dips.
If you can't do those use a Gravitron or Cybex for assisted pull-ups and dips.
Monday 010702
This is the CrossFit Challenge done as a circuit rather than prioritized.
We refer to this as the "Vertical Tabata Challenge."Perform each of the
following for only twenty seconds. Rest for ten seconds while quickly
transitioning to next movement.Rest for 1 minute after each round and
repeat seven times for a total of eight rounds. Total your weakest output
from each exercise from all eight rounds. This time your rowing score is in calories.Row
Wednesday 010627
Clean and Jerk one minute on, one minute off for twenty minutes.
Start with a load that you can C& J 10 reps in one minute without undue strain.Note:
1. Our best male athletes will be able to complete this with 95 pounds,
our females 65 pounds.
2. Tough, beware!
Thursday 010628
Two rounds for time of:
Farmer's walk 100 feet
Rope climb X 2
Back Squat, 10 reps
Row 500 metersNotes:
Our best will,
1. Squat and Farmer's Walk at your bodyweight
2. Row a sub 1:30 500-meters if you're able
Friday 010629
Perform each of these for 1 minute and work through the cycle 3 times.
Hollow Rock
Hollow Arch
Back Extension
Knees to Elbows
Stiff legged deadlift
Saturday 010630
Four rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
Powerclean 15 reps
Bench Press 15 reps
Rest 2 minutesNotes:
1. Use as big a load for the bench and powerclean as you can handle.
2. Don't rest in mid round
Saturday 010623
Three rounds for time of:
5 Muscle-ups
400 meter RunNotes:
1. If you can't do a muscle-up substitute ten slow pull-ups
and ten slow dips for each muscle up.
Monday 010625
Three rounds of:
Two minute sprint on stationery bike.
Two minutes of sit-ups.
Two minutes of dips.
Two minutes of rest