1. Use the same load for each set.
2. Rest 30 seconds between sets.
3. Focus on keeping the stomach "sucked in" throughout the movement.
4. Be brave, and go as heavy as the rep scheme will allow.
1. Max load on bench press at each pass.
2. Climb the rope without using your legs on the rope. If you can, it's time to do it right.
3. Take as much time between rounds as required to max bench load.
Three rounds of:
20 Walking Lunges; with dumbbells totaling 1/3 your bodyweight
20 Thrusters
20 Pull-ups
Rest three minutes.
1. Measure your pace so that “Thrusters” begin directly under your pull-up bar.
2. Each step of the lunge should drop the trailing knee so that it "kisses" the ground.
3. "Thrusters" begin in a deep squat and end in full hip, leg, and arm extension.
4. No crappy pull-ups. Adam's apple to bar at top, arms completely extended at bottom.
5. The twenty pull-ups are consecutive pull-ups. You don't come down from the bar
until they're done. Have someone assist you minimally if assistance is required.
Two minute standing sprint on the bike.
Five minutes of ab work.
Two minute standing sprint on the bike.
Five minutes of ab work.
Two minute standing sprint on the bike.
Five minutes of ab work.
1. Go ALL out on the sprints.
2. Be creative with the ab work. (Borrow from Today's Link)
Pick a different exercise for each of the three efforts and see how
hard you can work for five minutes.
3. No hurry between efforts. Give quality sprints and quality ab work.
Three rounds for time of:
15 Glute Ham Developer Med Ball Sit ups
15 Pull ups
Lay back to horizontal with a medicine ball held overhead
(we're using an 8 pounder for this).
Quickly sit-up and throw the ball forward and level to the ground.
At the start, the medicine ball should be closer to the
ground than the head or shoulders