Tuesday 020409
Five rounds of:
Back squat, 10 reps.
Walk on Hands 50 yards.Notes:
1. Easy pace - rest as needed between all efforts.
2. Have spotter hold ankles for Hand-walk.
3. Big load on squat.
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Tuesday 020409
Five rounds of:
Back squat, 10 reps.
Walk on Hands 50 yards.Notes:
1. Easy pace - rest as needed between all efforts.
2. Have spotter hold ankles for Hand-walk.
3. Big load on squat.
Monday 020406
Muscle up 7-6-5-4-3-2-1, reps
1. If you need assistance have spotter minimally lift you through the sticking point.
2. Rest as needed between sets.
3. Perfect two man rotation.
Thursday 020404
Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3-3-3, reps
1. In seven sets go from light to heavy, rest as needed
Friday 020405
1000 meter Row
Rest ten minutes
1000 meter Row
Rest ten minutes
1000 meter RowNotes:
1. Add times. Save.
Sunday 020331
Three rounds of:
1 mile Run
21 Bench press; body weightNotes:
1.Total time. Rest as needed between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd couplets.
2. Dave McEvoy did this in 5:42.
Monday 020401
Three rounds each for time of:
100 Medicine ball squats
"Triple up" rope climbNotes:
1. "Triple-up" on rope is touching floor with toe-only between three ascents.
It's timed from floor to floor.
2. Squats that don't break paralell are insulting; subtract one for each.
3. Medicine ball is 20 lbs.
Tuesday 020402
For time:
50 Kettlebell swings
50 Knees to elbows
40 Kettlebell swings
40 Knees to elbows
30 Kettlebell swings
30 Knees to elbows
20 Kettlebell swings
20 Knees to elbowsNotes:
1. Use men's, women's, or children's kettlebell.
2. "Hanging knees to elbow" is hanging from bar and bringing knees to elbow!
Friday 020329
Three rounds of:
1 mile Bike
20 Cleans; alternating powerclean and squat clean.Notes:
1. Power clean is pulling bar to racked position whereas
squat clean is pulling yourself down to racked position,
i.e., catching high and catching low.
2. Rest as and where needed, but not during cleans.
3. Go all out on sprints.
Wednesday 020327
Perform 30 Muscle-ups in thirty minutes.
1. Have a spotter assist when needed. The idea is to get above the
rings at full arm extension with minimal assistance.
2. Two athletes can take turns each completing one muscle-up
each minute for thirty minutes.
Thursday 020328
50 Sit-ups
Tabata Front Squats with Olympic Bar
50 Sit-upsNotes:
1. Tabata Interval is 20 seconds of work followed by
10 seconds of rest repeated for 8 intervals.
2. Rest before and after Tabata Squats