Five rounds for time of:
30 Jump rope double-unders
30 Sit-ups
30 Squats
If you can't double under cut your losses at 2 minutes of jumping rope furiously. Sit-ups can be done on glute-ham developer (GHD), Roman Chair, Ab Mat, or as Knees-to-elbows on pull-up bar. Post time and needed modifications to comments.
10 Dumbell deadlift
15 Toes to Bar
8 Dumbell deadlifts
15 Toes to Bar
6 Dumbell deadlifts
15 Toes to Bar
4 Dumbell deadlifts
15 Toes to Bar
2 Dumbell deadlifts
15 Toes to Bar
Cycle two minutes at high resistance
Cycle two minutes at high RPM
Cycle two minutes at high resistance.
Increase the deadlift weight each set.
Maintain perfect form or you'll cripple yourself.
Cycle effort is all out; this is not a cruise.
On the bar-toe touch, move in slow motion, i.e, no swing at all.