Thursday 010531
Run 400 meters
Three to Five rounds of:
5 Muscle-up, 5 reps
12 Glute-ham raiseSkip rope 5 minutes try not to stop
Benchmark, Memorial, Hero WODS | Crossfit Wods At Home
Results for {phrase} ({results_count} of {results_count_total})
Displaying {results_count} results of {results_count_total}
Thursday 010531
Run 400 meters
Three to Five rounds of:
5 Muscle-up, 5 reps
12 Glute-ham raiseSkip rope 5 minutes try not to stop
Wednesday 010523
Push press 21-18-15 reps,
rest as needed before,Complete as many rounds in 15 minutes as you can of:
Two handstand push-ups.
Jump rope "Double-Unders"; 1 minute
Run 400 metersNotes:
1. If you can't do a handstand push-up, struggle for
thirty seconds and hold handstand for 60 seconds
each pass
2. If your technique sucks just jump furiously
for one minute
Saturday 010421
Max set of pull-ups
Run 800 meters
Max set of pull-ups
Run 400 meters
Max set of pull-ups
Run 200 metersReport entire time for workout and total for pull-ups.
Wednesday 010418
Warm-up EZ sit-up, back ext., pull-up, push-up, air squat and stretch
21 Rep push-press followed immediately by max set of pull-ups.
Rest as needed; you don't need more than three minutes
Repeat for total of five combined sets.Run 1 mile.
Friday 010420
Max set of pull-ups
Run 800 meters
Max set of pull-ups
Run 400 meters
Max set of pull-ups
Run 200 metersReport entire time for workout and total for pull-ups.
Wednesday 010411
Today we are rowing some intervals that take us to the middle of the lactic acid pathway.
Set the CII Rower for intervals a minute long with a minute's rest.
We are going to row ten of the intervals. This is a twenty-minute workout.
On the efforts, set the rower to projected meters and row the first interval at 95%
On the rest, row easy, maximizing your recovery.
On subsequent intervals attempt to repeat the distance covered on the first interval.
Submit your total distance for each of the ten intervals.IF YOU CAN'T ROW,
On a track run a lap, walk the next. Repeat until you've run ten and walked ten.Time only the runs, total and submit.
Thursday 010412
Tomorrow is a rest day.
Warm-up with three sets of sit-ups and back extensions
Bench press 21 Reps max weight (21RM load 21 Reps)
Two minute all out sprint on stationary bike
Rest as needed before you...
Bench same weight as before, got 21?
Two minute all out sprint on stationary bike
RestDone right, you're done
Monday 010409
50 dumbbell Thrusters with 25% of your bodyweight,
Jump on 20ox 50 times within 2 minutes,
Walking lunge of 50 steps with dumbbells at 25% of your bodyweight,
Run 1 mile
Sunday 010408
Let's put some energy in to the five CrossFit Challenges (No's 1-5)
Vertical-leap 1/2 your body height. Muscle-up 10 times in a row without touching ground or coming off of the rings. Run 1 mile then complete a single set of bench press at body weight 21 reps, all within 10 minutes. Beat Garth Taylor's 1:25.5 500-meter Row. 21 reps of dumbbell "thrusters" at 1/2 your body weight.Don't let the enormity of the challenge deter your trying! Make a serious attempt at each
challenge and record the result. Save for late comparison. If you cannot do a muscle-up,
try anyway; the struggle is more important than the accomplishment.Daniel Kawika Bennett has achieved number 2, number 4 is Garth Taylor's,
and number 5 belongs to Cameron Earle. No one has completed two challenges
Thursday 010405
Most of you are a little beat up by now. Let's work a little triathlon CrossFit style, short and hard.
Bike 3 miles
Swim 500 meters
Run 1000 metersThe challenge will be to set up the transitions to minimize the transition time.
Share with us your total time for all three legs and your transition strategy.
We’re leaving the order of events to your discretion!!If the triathlon community competed at these distances or shorter, the triathlete
would be a much better athlete!And finally, for our athletes, today represents a day of active rest. Some rest, huh?